@rocket-man you're hOt

Posts made by PAPA FRANKU
I cant take it anymore
my dad is verbally and physically abusing me. <\3
I have marks on my body and also have lie about it, he does it to my mom as well but not as often anymore
my friends dont even seem to give a flying fuck.
i had to get this off my chest, sorry for swearing -
RE: So y do u view things
im that person that comments retarted shit
RE: What's a weird smell you like?
the smell of disappointment, gotta love that
RE: What’s the best Wi-Fi name you’ve seen?
"ロバはクロワッサンだった", i cant rly explain it in english but it's a like a huge meme here rn lol
RE: What's a weird smell you like?
@jynextremist i thought i was the only one lmao
RE: Don't know what to say, Don't know what to do.
watch iconic vines that cure depression
is it safe to reveal info? :D I'm scared lol
RE: What are some annoying things that girls do on talk with stranger?
@jynextremist how tragic, I'm praying for you