@Aimss1035 oop haha 😂 <3
Posts made by Olivia
@Aimss1035 https://www.google.co.uk/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=&ved=2ahUKEwi7vJyDkI7zAhWOQUEAHQdMBN4QyCl6BAgGEAM&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fwatch%3Fv%3DU05fwua9-D4&usg=AOvVaw0o6yApeOHkBA3q2NeeXhjs And https://www.google.co.uk/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=&ved=2ahUKEwifh9_WkI7zAhXZiVwKHQp3BU0QwqsBegQICRAB&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fwatch%3Fv%3DAVqwHO6HGBQ&usg=AOvVaw1uswXhvF2n90KeJwJu8029
Ooo umm that’s toughhh prob maroon 5 and lil nas x haha if I can figure out how to send the songs then I will 😂
RE: Everyone has an ikigai what’s urs?
@Cold-Sun lmaoo I waffle abt random shi 😭😂
RE: What’s ur fave chocolate?
@Janet Ooo never tried them but they look yumm!! 😋
RE: What’s ur fave chocolate?
@Aimss1035 I used to be obsessed with Oreos then for some reason I just stopped liking them idk whyyy😭😩
RE: What’s ur fave chocolate?
@Blythe_ omg I love Ferrero Roche but I think I like raffelo a bit more haha yess Hershey’s is too guddd 😋
What’s ur fave chocolate?
I luv luv luv chocolate and I defo wouldn’t be able to survive without ittt. What’s ur fave chocolateee?
Everyone has an ikigai what’s urs?
Ikigai is a Japanese word which means a reason for living. According to Ikigai, everyone has a purpose in life and even though at times things can become difficult we just have to try our best and keep on pushing through :)). I know it can be hard to find your purpose in life when your sad and when things aren’t going well but just remember you are just as important as everyone else and everything happens for a reason, u wouldn’t be on this earth if u didn’t have a purpose. To find your Ikigai you need to find the perfect balance of 4 components of life; your passion, profession, vocation and mission. Lots of people believe money is the way of life but is it? I guess it can be for some people but I don’t believe it is. To find your Ikigai you need to find your passion then find something to express that passion through. Sometimes it can take years for people to find their true purpose in life because our Ikigai is hidden deep inside of us. Finding it requires determination and patience and sometimes that can be hard. There’s a book called Ikigai and when I first read it I was fascinated about how people in Okinawa can live for so long. It’s because they know how to train the mind. Even though the body and the mind are one, the mind still isn’t us. I’m not sure what my Ikigai is yet but I hope I find out soon loll.
RE: Cats are just too damn funny!!
@Janet aww kittens r too cuteee! Is ur cat/kitten a cat or kitten?
RE: What’s your favourite football team?
@Vlad_21 ohh yes Barcelona r pretty guddd :))
RE: What’s your favourite football team?
@Cold-Sun yess I used to but now I just like the game ahaha