Nobody had to cause anything. Things just exist. It's all very depressing if you think about it.

Posts made by OldPerson
RE: If you are Atheist, then who created earth, stars & universe ?
RE: Who was responsible for the shooting in Las Vegas
Stephen Paddock's girlfriend had been kidnapped and he either had to open fire on the crowd or she would be killed.
Just a possible theory.
RE: If God created everything in the universe, then who created God?
@ragnar-lothbrok Classic grandfather paradox. On a similar note, Hugh Hefner is actually the father of both the Easter and Playboy bunny. The universe is a mighty strange place.
RE: If God created everything in the universe, then who created God?
It was me. My friend Doc Brown had this DeLorean and when it hit 88mph it well, that isn't important, but long story short, God was an unplanned pregnancy after I accidentally used the primordial ooze as a kleenex.
You're all welcome.
RE: I'll be leaving soon.
Good for you, @veitak. So many of us waste so much time online, it's really a damn shame. Veni vidi vici.
RE: Bible
@anonymousangel Not factual as in most of the Bible is not a historically accurate account. It's largely made up. Take Genesis for example. Modern humans have existed for 6 or 7 million years. We existed that minus about 1,917 years before anyone got around to inventing Christianity. So obviously things didn't happen quite as they are written in the Bible.
I like Proverbs as well, plenty of wisdom there. Another quote I enjoy was from Mark Twain: "God made trees, not books."
RE: Bible
@anonymousangel I am a Christian. Most of us realize it's not factual. It doesn't mean it's all useless.
"A wise man will hear, and will increase learning; and a man of understanding shall attain unto wise counsels:" (Proverbs 1:5)
RE: Bible
@anonymousangel Religion is all make believe. Might as well wonder why the Easter Bunny gives away candy.