This lad clearly has the victim syndrome. Maybe learn to take responsibility and acknowledge your own mistakes instead of feeling like you've always been wronged.
Best posts made by notHereAnymore
RE: mr @Morf,where art thou???
RE: CHRISTIANITY SUCKS!!!!!! change my mind.
@ssll-sg You're a total moron if you think I am a christian due to my reply. I care little to none about one's religion in fact. Hypocrisy, on the other hand, grosses me out. You care so much about homosexuals (which are still human beings, if you had not noticed) that you attack other people due to something they believe in. Your dumb ideology is the same as categorizing every muslim as a terrorist honestly. Odd to see you haven't made a topic on that matter, are you one?!
@DeathDudeTheGod Make sure you don't cut yourself in that edginess of yours. Try adding one more emoji into that description, maybe that will prove your maturity.
RE: CHRISTIANITY SUCKS!!!!!! change my mind.
@ssll-sg Glad to hear that you've read the Bible, however I would suggest you reading more, with that grammar of yours I have the "belief" that you have never ever read anything. "Change my mind" - you should opt for a brain transplant.
RE: mr @Morf,where art thou???
"Hypocrisy is the practice of engaging in the same behavior or activity for which one criticizes another or the practice of claiming to have moral standards or beliefs to which one's own behavior does not conform. In moral psychology, it is the failure to follow one's own expressed moral rules and principles."Why even bother coming with a list of protocols/rules that you yourself fail to follow? If I were you, I would stop this "who said what" game, you're simply making a fool out of yourself. Break out of your delusional world where ad-hominems actually help you prove a point.
Even the audacity to compare your common sense and (il)literacy to someone's else. You've just edited a post (and deleted it) 3 times already, are you certain that feelings aren't the catalyst of this manner? Thanks for letting me know how stuttering happens through texting.
"You need to accept the fact that" - another trait of hypocrisy, failure of accepting one's perspective.As a side note, this is the pettiest thing I've witnessed in quite some time. Breaking the rules, being held accountable and all I see is throwing the responsibility away. "They did it too", we are not 5 anymore. Just because someone breaks the so-called rules, it doesn't give you any immunity. It simply shows a toxic behavior, you truly strike me as someone that would snitch out on his friends just because you got caught doing something illegal. From my point of view, I couldn't care less if you or others would be punished - this whole whining scene that you do is pathetic.
TL:DR: Own your shit and don't take it on others.
RE: Heart broken. Just experienced my first heart break. This cut is deep.
@princess2214 I hope you do acknowledge that you expressing your one year relationship in few lines will not leave the peers interested in helping you with a thorough view of it. Instead of being fistful, maybe you could show some gratitude to those that are actually willing to give you a hand.
Back to the matter at hand, we cannot help but leave our assumptions, assumptions that will most likely be wrong, as we do not have enough information. Reiterate the events, see if there was anything that happened and could've led him to the decision of keeping it in the friendship boundaries. And, if you are brave enough, ask him personally.
RE: Heart broken. Just experienced my first heart break. This cut is deep.
@Janet I did try to think of a number when it came to their age myself, but it is not an easy task. "Princess as a nickname, plus the first heartbreak, must be some child, hence the emotional burst" was the first thought. Yet people hardly take their time writing a coherent text, something I must give credits for. Want to place bets on who is going to be closer to the real age?
RE: Heart broken. Just experienced my first heart break. This cut is deep.
@Janet Well, that is incovenient, the very same number came to my mind. I'll go for the upper limit in this case, 17!
RE: Since no one replies to my post!! Photo dump🤪🤪
@DeathDudeTheGod Bold of you to say that after trying to reach out to literally every female user on this community.
RE: CHRISTIANITY SUCKS!!!!!! change my mind.
@DeathDudeTheGod I would rather hit you with it, this way you would touch a book. Literally.