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Posts made by normal talk only
RE: I NEED Very trustworthy friends who I can trust and depend on from USA
U want a true friend whom you can trust all the time, and that's a myth. People change, so should you. And mind it, not a true friend doesn't mean a bad person, but it's a reality that people will change. I advise you love yourself more than you want your friends to be loyal and true
RE: How do you leave something behind that's bugging you?
If u don't mind texting and sharing a bit of the story, i think i could help u better
RE: How do you leave something behind that's bugging you?
@normal-talk-only u could try to slove that issue, or if u have really hurted someone badly,u should definitely consider asking them a sorry
RE: How do you leave something behind that's bugging you?
People telling don't think about it is too easy, but it's almost impossible to not think.
U have a choice of accepting everything and letting go hoping that everything happens for good, and it actually does happen for good in the end
And the second choice if possible u could try to