@Quatre put me in there! I love to cook. I love food

Posts made by nightshifter
RE: Announcement regarding the group policy of TWS.
RE: I'm leaving tws
@ItzMeXavi - will miss you too. Good luck in life. Stay healthy!
RE: Scientists use olive oil to discover new universal physics law
@Bill-Dhivid - Im on Duolingo but couldn’t find you. I’m NightshifterRN or Nightshifter. Not sure how show in search
@ItzMeXavi - omg, thought it was just me! I can’t type in public chat either! 😭😫
RE: I has boredom, wanna talk? O.O
@ItzMeXavi - lol, come on down. I’ll feed you brownies.
RE: Someone kill me please
@ItzMeXavi , I’m starting to read a book series and started Duolingo. I also cook and eat too much 😂🤣🤤
RE: Someone kill me please
@Brian-Sadowski , 😞🥺- I’m so sorry, that’s horrible and a parents worst nightmare. ((Hugs))
RE: Someone kill me please
@ItzMeXavi - not gonna get much intellectual stimulation on tws, sadly. It’s usually pretty brainless conversation or overly controversial bullshit like fighting over religion.
RE: I has boredom, wanna talk? O.O
@ItzMeXavi I’m so bored I’m gonna bake some brownies then start re-reading the Harry Potter Series with my daughter. I guess we will have a mini book club as we talk about it. She hasn’t read it since she was 10 and now is amazed at all the details she sees this time around.
RE: Shine in Quarantine 🤣
@spaceboy - come pick us up Spaceboy! Let the earth self destruct. @TheRisingSun and the rest of can go on a space adventure with you.
RE: I Need a Partner
@Samir770 - that sucks unless you’re bi-sexual
RE: I Need a Partner
Hush already. You sound desperate. Relax and chat with everyone as friends. Focus on yourself and school
No, you’re adorable Kat! But lots of cute, adorable, maybe even sexy peeps on here 🤗. I may haz a few favorites though so a bit biased in my friends favor 😂
RE: Saw this in the youtube comments section, deserves a topic. :D
This is true because I wouldn’t hesitate to kill someone dead 💀 if they walked into my home with bad intentions. I wouldn’t gloat or chit chat .....I wouldn’t waste time like that. I would do what was necessary to keep myself and the family safe.
RE: 70 year old men have abs....??!?!?!?
There is a 70yr old black woman works for YouFit now and she is ripped too! She started working out at 50.
RE: 70 year old men have abs....??!?!?!?
@Miaaaaaaaaa , good diet and serious exercise and he probably takes bio-identical hormones will will help keep him healthy. Also heavy exercise increases testosterone naturally. It’s totally possible to look like that with a healthy lifestyle
Happy birthday TAG!! Hope your day is awesome despite the craziness happening.
RE: Global epidemic
@Sekhmet - i pray you don’t lose your job and that you stay healthy. Hang in there. Hopefully this ends or gets much better soon.