@alwaysstranger unfortunately I can not just "stop giving a fuck" when there are thing like... family medical history that actually effect me sure I can stick my head in the sand and pretend everything is fine and dandy what does that achieve besides putting it in the too hard basket for it to be dumped in my lap another time

Posts made by missNOBODY
RE: what would you do if you were rejected by your biological father
RE: Do you think ISLAM is a religion of terrorism ?
I think that there are @ssholes in this world and that they are not secluded to any specific religion or race I think that if you focus on one specific group there will always be the rotten apples that ruin things for others and if you choose to judge an entire group of people by those rotten ones then you will never see any good in the world just rotten stinking apples
what would you do if you were rejected by your biological father
I am in my 30s and found out three weeks ago that the man who raised me is not my biological father my mum was devastated for me but we are ok I am determined to not let this effect the amazing relationship we have but that is SO difficult after the conversation I had with my "biological father" today I was so distraught and annoyed I hung up on him after asking three questions they were
1- have you told your kids about me ( they are older then me I would say in their 40s)
2- do you plan on telling them
3- do you want to know anything about me or ask any questionsneedless to say the answers to all three were a big fat NO and as much as I tried to prepare myself for the past weeks I am left a mess I have kids of my own I can just not understand why a parent would not want to know their blood
what would you do because I am at the point now that I haven't told my kids as I dont want to explain all this to them just for them to be rejected too