So far, mine is;
Best posts made by Megatron
The most active user on pub chat - @methhead
The best topic maker - @jamjam
The hottest TWS user - @jamjam, @marcel, @BloodDrunk, @Kanuna, @Kek, @REALLEGEND @methhead, @nousername, @RealPutin
The funniest user in either topics or pub - @marcel , @Fanta_ , @RealPutin, @Amaris
The one friend. (You know, the friend you can go to for anything) @Kanuna x100
The most sexual - @methhead, @marcel, @Kanuna -
RE: Top 5 people from TWS- repost
My top people;
❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ -
Piercings & Tattoos?
Do you have any, how many, where and of what?
If you don't have any, would you consider getting some?I have 4 tattoos and 7 pierings. :) I plan on getting a lot more tattoos.
RE: Who would like to become a moderator to control TalkwithStranger ?
@anoj117 Admin is a literal dipshit lol
RE: Enough is Enough! White Flag
Also @vrinda , @Lucifer , @TalkWithStranger
Can you all stop being immature as fuck by saying i’m ‘dating’ Jam all because I defended him against you dipshits lol. It’s so pathetic. -
RE: Who would like to become a moderator to control TalkwithStranger ?
@anoj117 He has no idea what he has started lol
RE: How to talk to girls?
@talkwithstranger like fuck he is. You know that is bullshit.
RE: TWS User Block Feature to be introduced soon.
How will that affect public chat?
RE: Literally me 4 real
I see you used my photo as a reference;)
Looks awesome though! :)
RE: What did you Google last?
The last thing I googled on my laptop was Hentai and the last thing I googled on my phone was Pantera lol
Do you drink coffee?
If so, what do you take in it?
If not, how do you function??