Depends on the Day. Probably would Steal inside a Space Shuttle. Or Just move along on Road.

Posts made by Maverick832
RE: What would you do if you were invisible for a day?
RE: As a child, what did you wish to become when you grew up?
@sarah : Nothing Except to Go to the Moon. :) There is never a better thing in life to see something that does not belong to your goddamn Biome.
RE: Is there any possible way of making 2+2=5?
@sarah and @vrinda : Very Interesting. And this is where iota concept is useful. See,
Therefore Manipulating LHS:
=(5^2 - 2.5.9/2 +9/2^2) ^1/2 -9/2=(5-9/2)^2 ^1/2 -9/2
Eq With RHS=4
RE: What do you think is your purpose in life?
@blooddrunk Rock On Buddy. But Watch "Lucy" before you rock on!!!
RE: Who would like to become a moderator to control TalkwithStranger ?
@TalkWithStranger Hello Admin. I want to become a moderator for this site and do whatever necessary to help you and the users out. Technically good, polite and straight to point person, makes me an eligible mod. 46 upvotes for 30 posts. All the more, who doesnt wan to enjoy some powers over the site!! :)
P R Bhalodia, India -
RE: Any teenage aspiring writers?? I can't seem to find anyone that's like me here :(((
@Etheray Hello There, Yes there are. You just need to get a good look around. :) One of them has just replied to your post.
RE: What do you think is your purpose in life?
@athenathegreatxx Its about visiting it. There cant be a more beautiful place than earth. Anyways I like travelling. So that is it, travel as far and as much as possible!!
RE: What do you think is your purpose in life?
@mchlchance Hope You figure it out much before or else you would think all you did in life was just shit. :) Or something that was not designed for you.
RE: What do you think is your purpose in life?
@roney1718 Hey there Roney. Its to think much beyond it. Don't make this topic simple enough though I personally love simplicity.
RE: What do you think is your purpose in life?
@AthenaTheGreatxx Thats a really good question because, what we think as the purpose of our life, could be different than what god has thought for us.
As of for me, It would be to Once atleast in my lifetime go in Space, on The Mars... :) -
What is something you are proud of about yourself?
I am Proud of being a Student. :)
What are your veiws. Feel Free to discuss. -
RE: I Am Back..... Revoking your Hibernation to this site. 😉
@vrinda I like it when I make a great fuss about something too small. Anyways its been just 3 days.
You are giving a shit about nothing Willoww. Its like getting the whole shit out in one day while you accumulated it for months... Literally. :) But I am happy that you atleast pooped. Got all that waste out. Start Out fresh and New. Stay cool stay blessed.
I Am Back..... Revoking your Hibernation to this site. 😉
@vrinda Exams over.
Aestivation Complete. Back with a New Look and Energy....Hey Fellas, Tag all those people who came back to this site after a Good LONG Break 😉.
RE: If someone you loved was killed in front of you, but someone created a copy of them that was perfect right down to the atomic level, would they be the same person and would you love them just as much?
@vrinda They were killed in a road accident. I did not go because I wasnt feeling well. Do what you mentioned in the question and I would personally award you the Nobel Prize. :)
@willoww Ah I love adventure. Cant be more better than to test yourself in Real life situation. What I would possibly do is find the bomb instead of getting out. So what I would do is, my Part-2 would find a way out, and I will find the bomb. ;)
@vrinda So you planning to die eh?? Your Choice.
@Willoww Again changed my decision. Would take myself up with me. A dummie of my own. You forgot to mention in question that you cant choose yourself. So TWO me's. ;) @vrinda See I told you, I can fuck up the situation if I want to. ;) -
@vrinda Time to think about you too. So whom will you tag?? You lazy one...