@jeromewashere it's okay

Best posts made by Marija
RE: That girl from Serbia ;)
RE: Is world war 3 coming
If WWIII ever does happen, it will probably be started, in some way, by the USA or it's close allies. They have been agressive towards any country trying to stake it out on it's own and care for it's citizens (Libya, Yugoslavia, etc) instead of handing over resources and labor to the west and going right along with their foreign policy goals. That said, much of the world is, un-fortunately, in the camp of globalization (the bad kind) and I doubt a major world war could be started over it. I guess Russia's pretty big but, come on, it's not nearly as strong militarily as the US. Bascially, in summary, I doubt it will happen soon but if it does it will be the fault of the US and/or it's allies as well as their proxies and puppet governments.
RE: Conspiracy theorists unite!
@lasttrain94 okay...
So, for really far-fetched ones that, even if physically possible, are based on little evidence or take real evidence to an insane degree I like anything with aliens being involved in history and gubbamint tryin' to turn the Fricking frogs GAAAY! (Alex Jones reference) because those sorts of things are actually pretty funny because of how dumb they are.
As for beliefs that would commonly be considered conspiracies but that I find actually pretty believable: Slobodan Milosevic was, while not my dream president, not this genocidal dictator he was hyped up to be (even if guilty, not nearly as brutal as NATO). I also pretty much disregard a lot of what the US government says about countries it doesn't like due to how it supports actual dictators like the Saudi monarchy and pretty racist and oppressive countries like Israel.
So there's my favorites (both sarcastically and seriously). Tell me what you think of them.
RE: Conspiracy theorists unite!
@thestrangest Sorry for my late response, I was pretty busy (I had a brief break to up-vote your post).
@thestrangest said in Conspiracy theorists unite!:@marija man you are woke for your age and your way of thinking seems to be heading in the right direction. Who have been taking the biggest roles in influencing your way of thinking. Like Noam Chomsky, George Carlin maybe one of the 4 horsemen of neo-atheism which are Sam Harris, Daniel D. Dennet, Richard Dawkins, Christopher Hitchens or even maybe just some good scientists like Neil DeGrasse Tyson, Michio Kaku, Lawrence Krauss...
My influences are varied and include those I don't share the views of anymore. As you listed, there's Noam Chomsky who helped me become more left-wing and question US foreign-policy propoganda. Before, I was against some wars but still believed the very lies used to justify many of them. At the time, I was sorta an anarchist (didn't last very long). Then, I'd have to give creds to Michael Parenti who I agree with on quite a lot of things. As far as the New-atheists you listed, I'm not a huge fan tbh. I'm probably an atheist but, like gay marriage, it's one of those issues that doesn't make me that passionate anymore.There's also several big people from history who, while many of them are im-perfect and made many, many mistakes, did lots of good.
@lasttrain94 said in Conspiracy theorists unite!:@Marija @TheStrangest what do you two think about the whole New World Order idea, collapse of the US economy and currency, world war 3, and the whole idea of an evil cabal trying to take over the world???
With NWO conspiracies, there is usually many truths twisted into really batshit directions. Like, lets take NATO for example. I hate it and what it did to countries like Yugoslavia (now Serbia and Montenegro) and Libya. I agree that the reason they did it was not to stop what they claimed the leaders of these countries were doing (which, probably, wasn't even happening at least not on the scale claimed) but, rather, to satisfy their own economic interests which wanted the resources and labor of countries that weren't willing to submit to their will. But then there's people who claim that the US funded the KLA and attacked Yugoslavia because Albanians are majority-Muslim and this is an evil plot to attack Christians or some crap. Same with anti-Jewish conspiracies. Yes, there is an un-equal economic system but it's not because Jews. Also, many times, Illuminati seems to be a label put on real organizations. Why bother? Just call them NATO, EU, etc.
Basically, what I'm saying is a lot of people who talk about things like the NWO take truths and things I agree with but fantasticize them with fictional elements like plots to turn people gay or aliens or Jews and Muslims are trying to do every single little bad thing in the world or other crap like that. -
RE: That girl from Serbia ;)
Are you referring to me?
RE: Conspiracy theorists unite!
@lasttrain94 By conspiracy theory, do you mean the un-realistic or overly-far-fetched ones (like aliens built the pyramids, aliens controlled the Nazis, Jews secretly run the world, etc) or views out-side of the main-stream that are often dismissed as conspiratorial or wrong despite being far more believable and probable than the official narrative?
RE: That girl from Serbia ;)
I did talk on random chat but I'm not 18. Could have been a typo. (I remember I was using random chat in bed at like 10 in the evening and typos are not uncommon for me when I use my phone).
Now that I think about it, I kinda remember your screen-name and recall somebody leaving in the middle of texting (I have a pretty good memory). So, yeah, I think I accidentally wrote 18 instead of 15. -
I guess I would try earlier to make more irl friends. Otherwise, what else would have been different? I would look at many things differently due to the major changes in political outlook I've under-gone in the last 4 to 5 months.
All sorts of fun memes.