@cjko your drawing reminds me of fractal geometry https://www.bing.com/images/search?q=fractal+geometry&FORM=HDRSC2
Posts made by Marco Graff
RE: I want you to see this :)
RE: Whats the meaning with life?
I highly recommend you watch some lectures of Dr. Jordan Peterson on youtube. He would probably ask you back: What is meaningful to you? What gives meaning to your life? He fully aknoledges that "life is suffering!" It's just a fact every human being has to deal with. I say human, because we are the one animal that is consciously aware of it. Now we can despair and ask "What's the point of it, anyway! Life has no meaning!" This is called nihilism. It's a spiraling path into darkness, despair, recentfullness of other peoples good lives, it's the manifestation of hell on earth. And you will unwillingly take down all your close ones with you on that path,eventually. Or you could choose to say "I want this to be the best place for all my human fellows that it can be. I want us all together to be a kind and loving species. I want to be a positive force in this fight!" Because it is a fight, and I think you know what I mean. He also said at one point that " Life is not about finding happiness, but about finding meaning in it." I think I'll leave that one to dr.Peterson himself to explain to you. He also explaines what he means with the word "meaning". I, for myself, find meaning in a piece of music, painting or movie that evokes some kind of emotions in me. To make my own life meaningful, I go after passion projects, which is any kind of activity, where money plays no role. If you need help getting started on a passion project of your own, I can help you realise what you already know that you have to do, by asking you the right questions.my mail is [email protected]
Battle on, soldier! -
RE: I'll help you overcome procrastination
@azriel By passion project I mean a project, that is really meaningful to you. A project, that you want to do, even though you won't be able to make money off of it. I emphasize the money aspect of it, because I feel like in our western culture, to make a living seems to be priority number one. Everything we do is always aiming at a career goal of some sorts, I realised that about myself aswell.
I'll help you overcome procrastination
Don't know where else to put thisuntil now. I want to help people with a passion project, to do the first step and start the damn thing. I have no qualifications whatsoever and am also very young to give advise(25). Still, I feel confident that, by posing tbe right questions, I can help you realise what you already know. Here is my mail adress ifyour curious and want to test me [email protected] I am not gonna charge you anything, since this is a passion project of my own.