@llaa said in Feeling lost, sad, lonely, and brokenhearted:
Why do guys say they love you and want to have forever with you, spend years telling you how much they love you, to one day wake up and they don't know what they want anymore, they don't know if they want you and forever with you. How can someone who loved you so much suddenly not care? Can someone please explain this to me?
Besides aspects like wealth and beauty, of course it such kind of words still applied to win a heart in the initial stages of any new relationship. One mind plays, the other has to make the fate sealing decision. We ought to take time and analyze such words and actions and not just rush for them like they were biblical truth. This now is bitter truth but we accept it absolutely meant to be that way. You can't find the ideal partner with everything, they'll always be sth you see in others not in him or her like beauty. It also one perfect cause for adultery . Feelings change with time too and that changes people.