@knownsense Yes. I think there is more clarity and understanding, now. Forgive me for not being as clear, earlier. :pray:

Best posts made by Lazz
RE: EDITED* Could've Been
RE: EDITED* Could've Been
@knownsense Well, my mind does tend to whirl with thoughts. But as this all is still going on, some of the thoughts...change, as the situation changes. :grin:
RE: EDITED* Could've Been
@knownsense Thoughts, like snakes biting their own tails.
RE: Can you Guess it
@kulki123 Tripawed is the punchline to an old joke. that's the only one I know of :shrug:
RE: This is Goodbye Guys......
@NiaRox It's time. I know you've had more than a share of downs, and not as many ups, in your recent life. It's been a long way from good, in many ways. Hoping that bit by bit and day by day your life becomes better. Not only for YOU, personally, but for family and others in your life, as well. Hope you found some solace, comfort, maybe even "escape" from some uncertain life events, here, and if I played even the smallest part in any of that, then I'm glad. You deserve more, and I'm sure with head held high you'll go out into the world and GET more! Safe travels, smooth sailing, and may the wind be always at your back! You'll be missed, by many, I'm sure. Myself humbly included. Stay safe, be well, sail on :pray:
RE: I really don't wanna admit it but...
@LinnSong Always good to see someone smile, keep that up, ok? :grin:
RE: I really don't wanna admit it but...
@LinnSong Now, THERE you go! Smile, and the world smiles with you, as the saying goes. :clap::smiling_face:
RE: I don't like the fact that...co..o..r..n..aa...has.......
@LinnSong About @kaia? She's a great person, and always has wisdom to share.
RE: I really don't wanna admit it but...
@LinnSong I don't know who this quote is by, but I'll share it:
"When life gives you a hundred reasons to cry, show life that you have a THOUSAND reasons to smile!"
RE: the things that i really need to learn to do
@nathanielcole No harm, no foul. Good to have you back
RE: OMG GUYS ... IT.. SNoOWeD..!!
@bexxi Feel free to send some snow down HERE, ok? All of a sudden it got warm, no snow, but I'm sure we'll get some again, soon! :snowflake:
RE: I am a dreamer and am not alone.
@Avihere "All we are saying...is give :peace: a chance!!"
RE: Bored...........
@writtenbyviolet I can go along with the "content" part, at least :smile:
RE: have a fine saturday beautiful people!
@writtenbyviolet Glad to have you with us, but sorry your other plans were cancelled. :gift: of your company always welcome
RE: have a fine saturday beautiful people!
@a-lost-girl It's all the convenience store treats, I'm guessing... :smirk:
RE: have a fine saturday beautiful people!
@writtenbyviolet I DID send out an invite... :turkey: