YOu just typed it in google and listed sites that fit your world view. I can find 10 sites that say he had dd breasts. It doesn't mean it's true and you should know that. I went to the Eu''s holocaust museum, University of London, And they all said the same thing he was not religious. People in modern times use hitler as a tool to further their agenda's so anti christians or anti gay or whoever love to use his name because he is so disturbing. So the folks over at relatively interesting .com i am sure are wonderful folks but i don''t see them being an intelligent source for this particular subject.

Posts made by LA.Man
RE: Hitler killed 6 million Jews & he was a Christian. Does that mean all Christians are Killers & Terrorists?
RE: What were you searching on Google when you found TalkwithStranger ?
I was searching for attractive girls who post cool questions.
RE: Do you think Donald Trump should leave his position as President?
i would say no because when the next one is elected we don't want this constant need to destroy each other to continue. No one wins that way.
RE: What is the most embarrassing thing you have ever done?
I walked into quicktrip wearing boxers and the girl taking my money kept looking down as i looked down my penis was hanging out.
RE: Games of Thrones or Breaking Bad ?
Breaking bad for sure it was a fantastic series.
RE: Hitler killed 6 million Jews & he was a Christian. Does that mean all Christians are Killers & Terrorists?
Hitler was a atheist or more pagan in his beliefs. That's why it was so important to him to find relics and create myths about German history. Not sure where you got that information but it was a bad source.
RE: Who would like to become a moderator to control TalkwithStranger ?
maybe have verification for talkwithstranger so atleast people know that the person felt comfortable enough to be verified so they would be less inclined to pretend to a child or wrong gender. I was a life guard and community mod in utherverse and the verification process helped aot with bogus accounts and underage people. Maybe have chat with strangers2 for under 18 and if you want to be in that chat you have verify your age. Just throwing darts u never know when one sticks.
RE: Which is your favourite music song?
@stonerus oh brother you killed it great choice!
RE: Which is your favourite music song?
i am throwing out some old school metal! -
RE: What would you do if you had 24 hours left of your life?
@emily emily you are articulate and intelligent and pretty to boot. If i didn't think you'd shoot me down i'd be at your door with flowers and a box chocolates. I was gona say box of rubbers but i didn't think u would see my twisted sense of humor ;O
RE: Who wants to try Video Chat?
i would try it with you
RE: Bored 16 year old looking for fun
your 16 go outside and run while you still have the energy
RE: What would you do if you had 24 hours left of your life?
I spend the time trying to get an extension
RE: How important is it to a guy that his girlfriend is funny?
I love to laugh and it heals the soul but i wouldn't place it as a must have on a dating site. Just tell a lot of jokes in public when a guy laughs snatch him stick him in the trunk and you got your man.
Which would you want to date guys?
A Sunday school teacher or a exotic dancer? (stripper)
RE: Mr.Bean FUNNIEST moment in history
I love that i dressed up as him for halloween last year but i slightly altered his attire. Good post!
What is true love?
Some say true love is so rare because it's one soul getting trapped
in two bodies. They spend eternity trying to become one again. -
How to beat a modern feminist!
First you need to find one I found mine and to this day i was never more
scared of a creature in my life. She had a t shirt that had a picture of a
penis being dragged across a cheese grater its a for sign we got
ourselves a anit wiener live feminist! I walked right up to her and said
"I forbid you to go fix me a sandwich! She had no clue on what to do
smoke began coming out her ears and i never saw again after
that night. But i still sometimes hear that familiar sound of her
cackling and doing ungodly things to the penis.