Re: Tell me about your pets!![alt text]( image url)
am i the only one here with this kind of pets?
Re: Tell me about your pets!![alt text]( image url)
am i the only one here with this kind of pets?
so everyones dead i guess,
there is no such thing as religion of terorrism, all relegions teaching mostly all about peace, loving life and so on. it is like the handbook of human beings here on earth, a guidance that tells you the does and donts of a true follower. terorrists could be anyone, christians, jews, muslims, atheist. those terorrist we often see on the media responsible for the deaths of thousands of people, claiming themselves as muslims are not actually muslims at all. there are 1.9 billion muslims in the world according to the worldpopulation, second largest religion in the world next to christianity and still growing. and muslims are scattered all over the globe. so, if Islam is a religion of terorrism then we're be dead by now.
what will you do if the internet suddenly gone forever?