Hello, i would like to become moderator, ive been moderator for numerous anime streaming chats, and being friends with other moderators has given me insight on the responsibility of a moderator. I am extremely active and have alot of good friends on here. Please consider me. Thanks - kenny Canada
Best posts made by Kens0me
RE: Who would like to become a moderator to control TalkwithStranger ?
A Non-copyright TWS Radio Station?
I had this crazy idea, who likes music? Because I do, and wouldn't it be cool if you can chill to some cool tunes while you chat and socialize? It's an idea but everyone can get a chance to get their song heard (maybe) but yeah, with the right DJ (wink wink nudge nudge) this could be really cool for the community! Give me your thoughts on the subject, and maybe just maybe, we all can make this happen!
Nothing brings people closer together than the passion for music!
Update! There has been a stream implemented on mobile, for now! I want to thank everyone for thinking it was a good idea! If you have any suggestions please feel free to reply or PM me! Love y'all <3
RE: The worst thing I ever did as a kid. What's yours?
I once stole everything out of our refrigerator (ketchup, mustard, ice cream, mayo, etc.) And went to my younger brothers crib and decided I was gonna do some face paint on him. When I was done and showed my parents, my dad couldn't stop laughing while my mom was terrified. I was never really good at face paint :,(
RE: Gimme a book name. Whats your favorite book?
I'd suggest "The hurricane" probably one of my all time greats.
A message about TWS (2017)
My name is ken and I just wanted to say that 2017 was an absolutely CRAZY year and not just for me but this site as well.
I would’ve just turned 16 and was going through my first year of high-school. Some of you may know it can be a very difficult time in a teens life. I was always an awkward kid with MASSIVE amounts of social anxiety, so meeting and talking to people (especially peers) was very challenging to me.
(In hindsight, it was a pebble compared to the mountain I made it out to be.)
But then I found a chat-site called TalkWithStranger!
At first I thought this site was a creepfest with people using random chats and anonymity to do what creeps do best. But then I found the Public Chat and seeing the amount of active users chatting with each other is what convinced me to create an account. Through public chat alone I was able to meet so many new and wonderful individuals from all across the world. These people who were just as odd and introverted as I was and it made me feel so much better about myself.
I was active daily, talking with people and making new friends. In fact I was so active that I had actually become moderator for a short while and had even worked with the developers of the site to implement a livestream for music. I remember the day that admin entered public chat to tell us that the site had its most traffic (active users) that day and they seemed genuinely excited and humbled, it was super adorable.
The only Global moderator I remember from the old days is @WtfJudith and I’m really glad you get to keep doing what you do best <3
Now the stories I have from the site, the situations and just all around drama can mostly all be traced back to one person named Manuel, or his online alter ego “kek”.
I have met Manuel personally and originally called myself his friend. He was a caring and compassionate kid from Italy who was only a year older than me. It felt almost like I’ve known him for years although I had just met him. We would play video games together and tell each other about school and our family, we grew quite close or at least that’s what it seemed to me.
Now “kek” is the polar opposite of what I just described. Just imagine the most horrid troll known to the cyberspace and amplify that by 100. The worst parts of 4chan, reddit and Facebook all neatly bundled together and ready to start a war.
He got what he wanted, war was started on this site. Trolls Vs Mods. Never-ending ban waves and lewd pictures were all weapons in this war, and Kek was leading the trolls. Kek had also convinced admin to make himself a moderator before it was quickly revoked due to blatant abuse of power. He was able to hack into others accounts and pose as them before he was discovered by the admin. He didn’t care if you were a mod or a new user, everyone was affected.
I personally believe that this “war” had a huge impact on this site’s user-base and not in a good way.
Here’s a pic of me having to convince admin that I am not kek (because of his recent account hackings)
This is getting to be a bit of a read so I might make a PT 2 with more tea if anyone is interested in what went on back in the sites “golden days”.
Goodnight luvs, Kenny.
RE: Who would like to become a moderator to control TalkwithStranger ?
@alwaysstranger sky is kek, If you were his friend (like I was) you can see the the patterns in his personality, before kek, Sky was the most active, then while kek, Sky was really inactive (I wonder why?) but that alone can't prove that's he is kek, neither can the fact that sky changed his profile pic because it was actually a picture from kek irl, neither can the link in his bio that I've seen many times (kek likes to redirect url's so they look different) Sky has only been laying low because he is scared that if he shows his head he will be assumed as kek (which just happened) what kek did was wrong and we don't want another abusive mod, even if he is not kek we have the right to be suspicious.
RE: Show me your poetry skills
I know it's hard to say it when you've never really felt it.
Looking for some substitution.
Oblivious to the fact that they don't care.
Voices in your thoughts, saying you were never meant for her.
Exaggerating your worries that your going to screw this up.You know it, you can feel it.
One way or another, it was meant to be.
Using your past failures to learn what it is and how to say it.(If you don't already know this... read the first letter of every sentence.)
RE: Who would like to become a moderator to control TalkwithStranger ?
@alwaysstranger kek was extremely nice to other people as well, but after being his friend I saw that he lied quite often and would try to expose people for having a different opinion. He once used someone's phone number to track them down on social media to just torment them and "expose" what they look like.
RE: i hope i'm a 'mod' now 😁
I kinda feel left out bc I wasn’t tagged in this ;-;
But it seems like you need someone to tell you to shut the fuck up so I’ll volunteer. -
RE: Who would like to become a moderator to control TalkwithStranger ?
@alwaysstranger It's Funny how he changed his pic after kek started to receive hate and became infamous, I mean if I made a troll account and it unexpectedly became popular, I'd wipe my tracks, wouldn't you?
RE: Am I the Queen of Talkwithstranger.com ?
@LittleGirly003 is my queen, all hail may!
RE: What is the best thing you like about talkwithstranger.com
The ability to meet new people from all over the world and learn about different cultures and life experiences :)
RE: A message about TWS (2017)
@Ash33 dude I do not blame you, out of all the trolling and furry NSFW pics I had to experience… TABLE TENNIS SOUNDS LIKE HEAVEN TO ME
RE: Is the public chat blank for anyone else?
@THEDARKONE you need to chill my guy
RE: A message about TWS (2017)
@G-A I have the screenshots from all my convos from 2017, Including with @TalkWithStranger on his actions. What he was doing is illegal in my country as it should be in every country.
He (allegedly) groomed multiple underage girls and flaunted about it to his inner circle. If you didn’t like that he would threaten to leak your personal information to his trolls (there are multiple cases and posts of him doing this to many others on here).Although he was 17 it could be debated that he wasn’t doing anything illegal but I also think that’s a matter of opinion. If you think your first hand experiences with him defend his actions then I’m sorry to say that I just don’t agree.
Cyberstalking, ban evading, doxxing, trolling, real world harassment, the alleged grooming of girls 13 years old and younger. He was a manipulative narcissist and deserves to never be on this site.
If he knew we were talking about him all these years later, I bet you $500 that he would have the largest grin you’ve ever seen.
There is a fine line between trolling and harassment. And he pole vaulted right over it, many many times.
So yeah, safe to say he wasn’t a “good” friend.
RE: What are you doing right now?
I am staring at a Cheeto on my floor debating if I should get up and throw it out or not