@football_m29 @sup never ask a chemist for change he'll only give you a Nickle.
I asked my chemistry teacher if they wanted a Pb and j. It wasn't long before he got lead poisoning
@football_m29 @sup never ask a chemist for change he'll only give you a Nickle.
I asked my chemistry teacher if they wanted a Pb and j. It wasn't long before he got lead poisoning
I was buried alive. The grave next to me wouldn't stop coffin
@football_m29 I was gonna make a joke about copper but I was afraid it wouldn't make any cents
Having siblings is a blessing and curse because their just so damn annoying sometimes but your forced to live with them for almost all your life and in that life time you grow a bond that lasts forever
@football_m29 two chemists walk into a bar. One of them orders h2o the second chemist says he orders h2O too. The second chemist died
I would make an element joke but all the good ones Argon
I was using the toilet and the other guy wanted to get in so I had to stall
I like the sunset more because the day ends and everyone is less annoying