You can try... "Your Song" by Carly and Martina. It's quite new.
And "Emptiness" song by Gajendra Verma....

Best posts made by JamesBond007
RE: Sad songs to sing when your sad/depressed
RE: I did a sexy sonic 😂 haha I hope you guys like it..
@spookbunni OMG😍, Babe u are looking so cute and sexy🔥🔥
RE: Im back after a while
@Cute-bunny Welcome back. Yeah I am remember u, but are u remember me?... haha😅😅
RE: New profile picture
Hey can some one told me that for changing profile picture good REPUTATION is required, bcs I can't find the option for profile change in edit??
smile: -
RE: i want to say something.
@kith In this fu*king world many types of people, if they are tell you some bad, that's means they have dirty mind, not you.You just make some distance from them, ignore them. It's your life, and it will run in your conditions...
Don't worry, Be happy...
All is well...:smile: -
RE: What I look like when my jealousy kicks in!😂😂
@SpringtimeAutumn then you should be always in anger, hahaha
RE: What I look like when my jealousy kicks in!😂😂
@Rissa_TheBest Idk, like I said, hahha
RE: What I look like when my jealousy kicks in!😂😂
@Rissa_TheBest Really, you are so scary then... thank god i still have left from your anger :smile:
RE: What I look like when my jealousy kicks in!😂😂
@Rissa_TheBest when your friend get more marks than you in exam...
RE: What are the things you do when you feel alone and sad?
Most of the time, A long walk with music... it's amazing. And Sometimes I talk to friends or cousins.
RE: illusory light😥😥😥
There can be many angles of a particular thing. One thing can have many aspects, which one u pick, it's up to you. Hope is important, bcz life is not always beautiful, every time it gives us surprises.
Hey, Kid. Remember... Pain is gain. So keep gaining, with listening to your heart.
There is a say in Hindi, "Chalti ka naam gaadi" means "Which is running, that's the car". Keep running is important... so make your legs strong. :smile: