So it’s come to my attention that there are a lot of men on TWS who like to Queer-bating and are homophobic and use the excuse for another guy calling them “cute” or “attractive” harassment. But other times most of them harass each other. It’s come to my attention that I’m not only public chats but I’ve been seeing a lot of it and it needs to stop immediately you can thank Xavier on TWS public for ruining the LGBTQ+ community on TWS who his outrageous claims against other people not even just me. This isn’t he first time this has happened people each day die in our community for being who they are this needs to stop! As opposed to harassment being a genuine person and calling something very nice names instead of rude words is a whole different story. Look at the facts next time be aware of what your doing and who your doing it too. If you been affected my Queerbating, Homophobia, or Sexual Discrimination I ask you to please leave a message explaining the situation. I have recently been in contact with TWS over these things and in the upcoming future there are going to be very high guidelines set for people who try to use these things are bullying and get away with it. Thank you!
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Queerbating in Tws