@how-to-make-a No offence to ''gay'' people but being gay is a serious sexual disorder , and when we get to modern science(post world war 2) its more of a religious movement than actual science , scientists are sadly being used and abused to produce results for all kind of interest groups who pay big money so that they can fullfil their agenda...

Best posts made by Ilija Gromovnik
RE: Do you think ISLAM is a religion of terrorism ?
RE: New World Order is canceled!!!
@how-to-make-a I disagree on many points , there are no heterosexual and homosexual genes those are once again newly invented terms by the gay lobist groups and their payed scientific reasearches , but there are genetic abominations you can call those abominations ''natural'' if you like it better but that wont change the fact of what they are...
RE: Do you think ISLAM is a religion of terrorism ?
@sarah Gays have not been killed only by muslims they were pretty much persecuted and condemned by just about any : society , tribe , religion , culture and thats not because it was not normal but because it endangered the whole tribe back in the day , since they could not reproduce and carried venereal diseases...
RE: depression
@sophie Depression and Anxiety are for the most part modern ilnesses caused by stress and other factors like enviornment , trauma and an unhealthy lifestyle...the best way to combat depression would be to change your lifestyle , to eliminate stress whenever you can and constant work on yourself!!!
RE: Do you think ISLAM is a religion of terrorism ?
@how-to-make-a The problem are the people who are pretending to be some religious followers and commit viscious crimes under their banner , I personnaly do not support the claim that all muslims are bad people...
RE: just asking, what do women wants?
@ragnar-lothbrok They want someone who is a real knight in shining armor not a showoff...
RE: Do you think ISLAM is a religion of terrorism ?
@totenkopf said in Do you think ISLAM is a religion of terrorism ?:
Islam is being used by some very influental globalist groups as a scarecrow in public so that NATO would seemingly have an enemy and by that a reason to still exist...
RE: loop holes in religion
@how-to-make-a I wonder how much the ''New Age and LGBTQ'' lobists are paying you for spreading so many lies and propaganda?!
Latest posts made by Ilija Gromovnik
RE: What is Illuminati ? Is that real or just a theory?
We normal people use the term ''Iluminati'' to describe a secret organisation or organisations that pull the strings in this world and manipulate with the masses , there is definitely a lot of truth in all of this I belive at least...
RE: How to win back the trust and love of a female capricorn?!
@kanuna Well sadly your opinion doesnt help me at all and it also is out of the fream of my posted question...
RE: How to win back the trust and love of a female capricorn?!
@kanuna I still don't see the point in this that you are telling me , since I'm not begging anyone , just asking for the opinions of fair minded individuals on my question here...
RE: How to win back the trust and love of a female capricorn?!
@kanuna Who said that I'm begging?!
RE: How to win back the trust and love of a female capricorn?!
@kanuna I'm not even thinking of giveing up , as long as my lungs are able to draw breath I won't stop trying to get her back...
RE: just asking, what do women wants?
@ragnar-lothbrok They want someone who is a real knight in shining armor not a showoff...
How to win back the trust and love of a female capricorn?!
My quest and trial of love ,to win back a fair maidens heart , I'am all ears and open for suggestions of you...
RE: Freedom comes with a price!!!
Since you are asking me in such a nice and polite way I certainly won't : ).
Freedom comes with a price!!!
Do you belive that we are truly free , what is freedom for you?!