@xxmysticxx but I AM real. Nothing I have told is a lie. I not trying to tell a sob story. Maybe I should die if no one is gonna be nice to me. If I were to die then would you see my pain?

Controversial posts made by Hidden_Crystals
RE: Please be my friend
RE: Please be my friend
@stranger_danger r u tryna prove a point that I am a phony bitch even tho I'm just a lonely girl who has no one to hang out with but my family?
RE: Please be my friend
@stranger_danger because that exact pic isn't used. Bruh what's ur deal with me?
RE: Please be my friend
@stranger_danger I know dude my friends dad asked us to model for his sale. I have a filter on it because that's the way the pic looks as my screensaver
RE: Please be my friend
@stranger_danger where the hell did u find that?! I posted that pic once