So this is a little challenge for someone. So if you dont understand what im about to write, its not for you. Just answer thr topic and move on.
The way you smile and the world stops spinning for a millisecond it feels like. When every other need goes away. And all I want to do is just...see that smile some more
Your laugh. Because its only addicting. Your face upturns and I know its real. And I know that i found someone perfect for my humor.
The memes. The way that we somehow connected and share laughs. When you send me them, just to cheer me up. Shows how much you care
Being carefree. How youre willing to make a damn fool of yourself just to make others laugh. You dont give a fuck about the people who dont like you. And i respect that more than anything in the world.
Respect for others. You do not care about my past. My luggage. My fuck ups. You look past all the shit I put you through. And you see me just as who I am. Not age, not looks, not even luggage. Just me.
Because youre a great friend. Ask anyone in the Beetles Chat, TWS, friends around you, anyone. I have scored a loyal, kind, and funny friend. They say that one part if a relationship is the true love. And the other half is the love of buddies. You have to be friends to be happy. And you really are my BEST friend.
Your kindness to others. Random people come upon the site every day. And you give them the best advice you can. You give your time to others. You help your siblings, friends, and parents at home. More than most ever would.
Aspirations. It is a blessing. A big ass blessing to have someone so positive about the future. Sometimes when I feel like tomorrow will never come, you are there to remind me of the plans. You are there telling me all your goals for us, and even just for yourself.
Your advice and wisdom. You are 24 years old bish. Acting like an old man who has been through almost any situation. When I have a problem, I know I can come to you. For absolutely anything. And you will give me the best you possibly can. Nothing less than that.
Honesty. When it comes down to it. Your advice is the best because you give honest opinions. You arent fake , and you give me the will to believe that there are still good people in this world.