El español es el lenguaje del amor =)

Posts made by Gretta
RE: What languages do you wish you could speak?
RE: What languages do you wish you could speak?
I speak German, English and Spanish. Would LOVE to speak Chinese!
RE: Face Reveal Time. Post your Selfie Challenge.
@pickle Don't delete lol You look really cute =)
Intelligence is a must. I'm currently studying Biomedical Engineering. If a man can't challenge me in a battle of wits, he's wasting my time.
RE: Face Reveal Time. Post your Selfie Challenge.
@alwaysstranger Thank you, Stranger. I'm flattered to read that ;-)
RE: Face Reveal Time. Post your Selfie Challenge.
@jqqqqq8 I work and sleep a lot lol. If you find that interesting then I'm a barrel of monkeys ;-)
RE: Face Reveal Time. Post your Selfie Challenge.
@anonymousangel Thank you =) So are you ;-)
RE: Face Reveal Time. Post your Selfie Challenge.
Work is booooooring......
RE: Face Reveal Time. Post your Selfie Challenge.
@opticalnoise1 Id love to, never been.
RE: Face Reveal Time. Post your Selfie Challenge.
@opticalnoise1 lmao! not really just geta nice car and you'll be okay, In fact, just rent one lol
RE: Face Reveal Time. Post your Selfie Challenge.
@cutie-cat Thank you =) You too, Cutie ;-)
RE: Face Reveal Time. Post your Selfie Challenge.
@opticalnoise1 I was originally born in Germany. My father is German, Mon is Cuban. Currently in FL until I finish school =)
RE: Face Reveal Time. Post your Selfie Challenge.
@opticalnoise1 Yes, that was quite brutal. I dont see what Padma saw in him though. Obi Wan is the one I would've gone after =) Or Padma herself
RE: Face Reveal Time. Post your Selfie Challenge.
@opticalnoise1 Depends on how powerful your use of the Force is... light or dark ;-)
RE: Face Reveal Time. Post your Selfie Challenge.
@opticalnoise1 lol "Don't get in my way." I love the tough guys, do you even have to ask? Boba surely lived up to Jango's name so Im not having anything other!!
RE: Face Reveal Time. Post your Selfie Challenge.
@opticalnoise1 LOOOL! Never will I speak of that tragedy again, sorry lol