I'd say make separate topics in each niche and use meaningful title on each topic to attract readers instead

Best posts made by GirlNextDoor
RE: To all the bright minds, Let's DEBATE!
RE: running out of ideas [help meh thankz]
post some
horror stories
viral news
hidden mysteries
untold truth
tutorials on anything -
RE: Who's your TWS family??
Mine is @Muslim @sarah @cutie-cat @Moisturbation @US-poet
RE: What topic should I use for my TWS book?
I'm so excited to read your book have you made any progress so far?
Why does Aspirin help during a heart attack?
Platelets are cells that clump together and help to form blood clots. Aspirin keeps platelets from clumping together, thus helping to prevent or reduce blood clots. During a heart attack. Blood clots form in an already-narrowed artery and block the flow of oxygen-rich blood to the heart muscle.
RE: Why are there so many indian loners here?
@BANNED what if I say why there are so many people from USA here lol.
RE: why women dont like dating younger guys ?
D size
Strength -
How long would it take to get to mars traveling at the speed of light?
The speed of light. Light travels at approximately 186,282 miles per second (299,792 km per second). Therefore, a light shining from the surface of Mars would take the following amount of time to reach Earth (or vice versa): Closest approach: 182 seconds, or just over 3 minutes.
RE: David: I was having an amazing conversation with this boy
@davitchen awww David you are too sweet ;)
I want tips on how to flirt with a guy ?
Everywhere we see pickup lines for girls and flirting for girls! Can someone give me some useful tips on how to successfully flirt with guys ?
RE: Kik Usernames. What is your Kik username?
would it be safe to share my kik username with strangers? just wonderingg..
Tell me something which I don't know
Give me one tip that will make the rest of my life happier and easier
RE: What weird food combinations do you really enjoy?
Holy cow. U r making me hungry.