I'd be glad to be your friend, as long as you like memes and pizza that is lmao

Posts made by Evil Mario
RE: Want friends to talk about anything .
What's the best color out there?
Personally I love maroon
RE: Bored and lonely
You'll find guys 18+ on here usually, at your age I dont recommend you do these types of acts
What's a good career to follow in college?
What do you guys think?
No reading in the halls, 15 seconds detention for you
When will you learn?
RE: Ur fav religious video....??
@evan-elderson lol yeah, guess I could hide it somewhere or just tell people to pass it down idk
RE: Ur fav religious video....??
The Quraan is about is about degrading women, treat them like objects where adultery is permitted, religion is quite dumb, I'm gonna write a book and wait for someone to find it a thousand years later so they can make a religion based on it, there's no proof, there's no love, merely stories made to keep people under control.
RE: Want to chat with a foreign girl
Same from the USA, also fluent in spanish
RE: Want to chat with a foreign girl
Hello there! I might just be the person you're looking for haha, where are you from?
Towards what side does your toilet flush?
I'm sorry I wanted to make sure it was a topic no one would have asked before lol
What's your favorite videogame of all time?
Mine is actually Resident Evil 4
RE: Any girl's looking for a good time ?
No girl is gonna reply to this man, why don't you try tinder instead?
Anybody wanna play storm 4 on ps4?
I'm alright at the game but not that good
RE: Who likes bowling?
@natasha-b Thanks sweethear<3 do you want nudes too?