Please, I simply wish to keep this community clean

Best posts made by Evil Mario
I need your help, I want reputation so that I can flag a buch of perverts on here
RE: I need your help, I want reputation so that I can flag a buch of perverts on here
@kanuna True but if we can get rid of one then that's an achievement
Please help me I just wanna get rid of these fuckers
Are you sad or need someone to talk to?
I'm here if you don't have anybody to talk to n.n
What's your favorite videogame of all time?
Mine is actually Resident Evil 4
RE: I need your help, I want reputation so that I can flag a buch of perverts on here
we're each entitled to an opinion n.n
What is something that is popular now that annoys you?
There has to be something popular out there that you find irritating right? what is it?
No reading in the halls, 15 seconds detention for you
When will you learn?
RE: What is something that is popular now that annoys you?
@Rendezvous Didn't know what topics were out there so I just posted it without knowing
@Anoj117 How can you say I copied you? its not like you're the first or last one to post it lol
RE: What is something that is popular now that annoys you?
@nellyxy lol we all have different tastes when it comes to music n.n
RE: Ur fav religious video....??
The Quraan is about is about degrading women, treat them like objects where adultery is permitted, religion is quite dumb, I'm gonna write a book and wait for someone to find it a thousand years later so they can make a religion based on it, there's no proof, there's no love, merely stories made to keep people under control.