@ragnar fate/zero

Posts made by Elayne
RE: Do you have an answer?
@jynextremist My origins are long forgotten by this period of time in the space
RE: Do you have an answer?
@sammy Yeap!! And I'm speaking from experience alone! I was begining to have real problems with weight then one day I decided to keep track of the calories. "How much do I need to loose 2 kgs a month? 500 less? ok gonna try that" so my calorie income lowered to around 1500 a day plus a basic 30 minutes workout (running basically, that's the best way to burn calories imo) a day and surprisingly lost not 2 kgs a month but 3,5, almost double. You can't really adapt to not get fat sadly so you gotta watch them calories! lol. One of my tips would be to drink water, drink lots of water after you're done eating, this will help from wanting to have small bites later
RE: Do you have an answer?
Our bodies can adapt to poison even, so the solution to tasty but toxic can be solved with the power of adaptation, so long as you don't stress out your body with too high doses, as for the calories well 10 mins of morning jogging can make wonders. Of course this all depends, I for example ate only pizza and fries the last week and I'm feeling perfectly fine, have not gained a single gram either while someone else may die from that "diet", I say not to worry about what you eat, life is full of worries, worrying about food is the last thing you should think about. All you need to do is keep track of the calories and you're fine to go, the moment you eat something that does you bad your body will react to it so you'll know before it kills you
RE: What did you Google last?
My google history says that I googled this question last however the last consistent thing I googled was a search for a certain anime episode
RE: ...................................
Assassin's creed series, all of them, same for The Witcher ones and Dragon Age, dishonored and darksiders I, II were fun and interesting too, emg almost forgot the 2 middle-earth shadow of war and mordor. I think I'll limit this reply to those only for now :D
RE: The quote that defines you the most:
"We don't stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing."
@jynextremist Yes! Of course! keeps smiling
@jynextremist Yay my plan works evil laugh
@jynextremist writes down your nick on a paper so I can remind it when the maze happens Sure sure smiles innocently
RE: Tell me something you hate.
The notorious seven deadly sins: pride, sloth, wrath, lust, envy, greed, gluttony. Ofc these all lead to plenty of things I hate I guess
Everyone is so altruistic, I must confess I'd say the same but thinking of being presented with the situation itself at that time chances are I'd forget everything about morals and throw another in my place, sadly(or fortunately lol) I don't know any of you so I doubt that'd be possible since I can't even memorize any nicks so I guess I'll go alone and embrace my death
RE: Let’s hear some jokes
So it was something like this. Three guys stranded on an island find a genie who grants each one a wish. First one wishes to get off the island and back home, the other wishes the same and the third wishes "I'm lonely I wish my friends were back here". The fun part is when you think this scenario could be real! XD
RE: What would you do if...
Break into politicians houses and take some of their "reserves"
RE: What are the most common reasons for friendships to fall apart?
Relationships in general fall apart because of mistrust, misunderstanding, and simply because living with someone is hard, really hard, to care for another alongside with you could prove to be just a drag down, that's why at one point we prefer to just walk away.In my opinion, how long can you endure these defines what kind of relationship you have, if you can endure all the fights and problems and stress and everything without losing your trust, and understanding of the other, and still value the times with him/her above the bad occasional times then that's love I guess. If you feel like giving up or feel like they are not so important to you/ you don't trust them completely and u'd walk away if they do you bad then that's just some friendship relationship. Though sometimes friendship can be so high as it almost gets love relationship proportions. As for me, most of my friendship relationships ended because we walked on different paths, and going back to my original idea we'd just drag each other down so it'd be better to just live on with our lives and change a word here and there instead of talking and sharing secrets and whatever all the time, and ofc I found replacements, it's cruel ik but that's just how life goes. I also got lucky enough to meet the person I love so I don't need anyone anymore to be there for me so now friendship relationships to me are more like that group of people you hang out with so you won't feel lonely but that's all there is to it. Friends are....hard to find I call many people my "friends" but there has not been more than 3 persons in my life so far i truly considered a friend, and one of them I lost due to the different path thing, the other is my lover and the third...it's already starting to rust, we talk here and there but once we lost our common passion we don't have much to talk on, since all my pain goes on ma lover I don't really need anyone's shoulder anymore so yup no more common passion nothing to talk = friendship relationship fades. Wheh that got long
RE: Which way is the world headed?
We'll self-destruct before the sun explodes or meteors fall or super volcano erupt. I'd say the most likely cause of world end would be another world war/nuclear war and the chances for it to happen grow higher as we advance in technology but remain in the stone age mind wise
RE: How long do you last?
@thestrangest My record is around 6 billions to the power of 10
RE: Why do some people try to find bf/gf on here
@scott-xaiver I mean they misuse the term, it's not like you'd go to a girl and say you want to get her in bed as your first sentence right. And about that flirting most of these people would ask you for a nude in their 4th reply, give them and they will disapear forever, don't give them and they will keep bringing it up till you despair so idk how much of flirt they do lmao