What y'all doing today?

Best posts made by Desirae
Some of y'all is getting on my nerves sooo
If I don't text you don't text me and if you say 1 thing that make me mad or annoy me Imma block you but if we friends and you know we friends cause I told you then yes text me anytime you want yall know who yall are
RE: Soooooo bored need someone to talk to
@pauljanson guess what I don't care
RE: My drawings.. Sofia
@Sofia-Summers you are a very good drawer Sofia keep it up
RE: Ask me anything
@Joseph-Davis I really don't care that's disgusting so next time keep that to yo self
RE: Some of y'all is getting on my nerves sooo
@WHAT2020 you barely text me but sure
Anime question think hard
This is a question me and my friend been arguing about for a long time now. What do y'all think?
Who would win in a all out fight Goku or Naurto? -
Soooooo bored need someone to talk to
I'm very bored and I need someone to talk to so if anyone want to talk DM me but no dirty stuff like frfr.
RE: Ask me anything
@thegodbrother bruh watch out u will never get this with yo baby shrimp
RE: Soooooo bored need someone to talk to
@wet-teri frfr means for real for real
RE: Ask me anything
@Joseph-Davis do it sound ok I don't care about your nasty story just don't be inappropriate dang