look up "Tor browser" youll have to prolly turn on javascript support in it to have access to social media (not sure i dont do social media)
and about camera (either hack it or just put a shirt on it whenever youre in the room.
My rule for people like that - i dont talk with them about my private stuff.
My mum tried to select my gf during high school- i just stopped telling her about my gf and what im doing.
When she pushed to much i had a deal with friend from organisation i was involved in to send me text message that they need me every time i had a date :D worked like a charm. For some time. When they finally found out.
They started with: That i lied and cheated them.
I said of course i did , when i tried to talk with you you didnt even listen.
then they went but we are living loinger then you, we know whats good for you
my answer: maybe you do. but youll not be around through all my life to tell me whats good whats not, so i have to figure it out myself.
Since then they never intervened.