I guess my first, chubby love then. Does that count?

Best posts made by DapostropheDvd
RE: Best game you've ever played?
RE: Talking my heart out anonymously
Oh yeah thats. Basically u need to find some ways to accept and love ur self. No ones perfect, what matters is the existence, the striving and then ur own self-contentment. Take it slow, dont worry about hows ur over-thinking doing to ur life, find ur own pace, ur own improvements overtime... U might already know, theres a bunch of stuffs to keep u distracted from restless thoughts but before those u have to figures out ur whole plan first. That included: whats ur worry about, what u can do about it, how do u plan to do it step by step...
“Life is what happens when u’r busy making other plans”_J.L
As long as u have a plan, ur already on the right path, and even if u fail those plans keep moving forward with gusto!Oh and the last life-hack of mine, who used to over-thinking and depressed-for-no-reason is that u can count on other people’s help, to encourage, discuss or even supervise ur progress, just remember u are not the clown, u are your whole circus 🤡 (jk and good luck, familiar stranger)
RE: Im drunk on melatonin heres a thing
Well its kinda well-written tbh, at least better than mine
RE: which games u play
I only play with girls’ heart. Broke so many of them that i lost count.
RE: Official award ceremony!!- VOTING OVER
@TheRisingSun i dont think penis grow that way xd
RE: Which is your favourite pokemon
@Janet Nooo, where is ur respect Janet? At least gg its name
My fear is to become a despicable person, become someone that’ll make me afraid or ashamed of
RE: attention please.. Let's find people who look like us !!
@momoo i dont remembew but it just state “inventor” very good and architect very good. Dunno about the two types u said
RE: Wondered from somethings
Sometimes i fear to engage a new personal relationship becuz i knew how fast time changing. At least the memories still haunting me
RE: Accidentally lost connection with username "M 15", a male, 15 yrs. old (ik too young), and is from Brazil. A very cool guy too, so far the nicest person I've met in this site.
I also wonder how a 15 yos can be cool.
Chad from birth lol -
RE: do you think there's a way to cure anxiety? If so, how? (lol this is my first time here so dont't judge<3)
Yeah a health body doesn’t always lead to a healthy mind but a healthy mind always requires a healthy body. -
RE: is violence attractive to people?? why??
No i dont think so. I think the point is boys are simple creatures who usually think girl’s behaviors such as pushing and hitting are signs. Before they went to sleep they can’t stop thinking of their pitiful tiny little experience with girls lately, the more fierce and impressive the experience, the more they think about it. And they all might confused it with love. Cant really blame them since most boys have zero to none of experience, they dont even know much about themselves much less about attraction and love.So yeah, boy teenagers think your violent behavior as some form of closeness not attraction, this is similar to the Stockholm syndrome or Suspension Bridge effect
RE: I HAVE A QUESTION: if i were to post something about pronunciation of a song in another language would it get feedback here??
There are things that better to be done before asking.
RE: TM Questions USERS :\
@The-Modsits “cant care (any) less about...” not “careless”. “Careless” means the opposite of careful
@KaViNdU lol since when u turned 26 and moved to Bhutan?
RE: I HAVE A QUESTION: if i were to post something about pronunciation of a song in another language would it get feedback here??
I also embarrassed myself before my Japanese speaking friends. Sad, ive never tried to learn Japanese properly. Maybe in the future though.