very cute!

Posts made by Corey
RE: To shave, or not to shave. That is the question!
@cola-neko I feel you haha I look too young clean shaven though
RE: To shave, or not to shave. That is the question!
@cola-neko See I'm the opposite, I have a beard that I keep cleaned up and short. Just fits me better :P
RE: To shave, or not to shave. That is the question!
@sammy Thanks for answering :)
To shave, or not to shave. That is the question!
What is your preference.
Girls, do you like beards on men? If so, do you like short stubble, a long beard, an average beard, or a goatee.
Guys, do you like having a beard or do you want one? Would you prefer to be clean shaven? -
RE: What kind of improvements would you like to see in talkwithstranger?
@mellowyellowgal Maybe a wink or poke button to get someone's attention. Kind of like poke on facebook. IDK
RE: I'm in a relationship with a broke man!!
@ms-bizy check your messages, it's easier to talk there lol
RE: I'm in a relationship with a broke man!!
@ms-bizy oh, tell him to elaborate more!
RE: I'm in a relationship with a broke man!!
@ms-bizy wait this is happening now?
RE: I'm in a relationship with a broke man!!
@ms-bizy Give him a time frame to find someplace
RE: I'm in a relationship with a broke man!!
@ms-bizy Of couse, best of luck! and if you need anything else or an ear, I'm here to listen!
RE: I'm in a relationship with a broke man!!
@ms-bizy That's happened to me before, and unfortunately they were right. I ended it with her and found someone else who made me much happier. Not saying leave the man but I'd sit down with him and have real talk
RE: I'm in a relationship with a broke man!!
@ms-bizy true, communication is huge. Try talking to him about a 2 year plan, where does he see himself in 2 years? what does he plan on doing? where does he see you and him in 2 years? Ask him questions and see where his head is at
RE: I'm in a relationship with a broke man!!
@ms-bizy ayeeee, I try lol :P money isn't everything though
RE: I'm in a relationship with a broke man!!
@ms-bizy you said he's broke, so fix him xD
RE: What are you doing right now?
clicking this post and now replying to this post. Weird I know