@KaViNdU Jareth The Goblin King

Best posts made by Chico082483
RE: Who is your favourite fictional chaaracter?
RE: Who is your favourite fictional chaaracter?
@KaViNdU Ok if you don't like Labrynth then I choose (Jin) from The Dark Crystal
RE: Who is your favourite fictional chaaracter?
Sorry Big Jim Hansen and Frank Oz fan
RE: Ask me anything!
If a rooster lays an egg on the top of an A frame roof. Which side does it roll off? The left or the right.
RE: I'm new here and I introduce myself
Hi! I'm new also just started 2 days ago. Wish I could live in Ireland, it's so beautiful there.
RE: Ask me anything!
@Just-Ella Ideally you deal with your ideals at idle.
Latest posts made by Chico082483
RE: CHRISTIANITY SUCKS!!!!!! change my mind.
It would be impossible to change the mind of someone who has already believes what they think is true. Such is the power of BELIEF.
RE: I know y'all see these a lot but hey, ask me anything
Ok so if you swam up $h¡t'S creek both ways without a paddle. How many boxes of egos would it take to shingle a Dog house?
RE: How to do private message to someone
Well if it only it would have explained it as easily as you have. Thanks a lot for helping us noobs lol
RE: Any strangers here who wants to have a nice chat?
@fakal ikr still haven't figured it out myself lol
RE: Any strangers here who wants to have a nice chat?
@FluffyCookie hello, hi, how are ya?
RE: Just joined dunno how to chat but anyone wanna?
Hello there. At least I'm not the only new person new around here lol