Ren I love you. You don't even know how much good u have done to the world by posting this . He annoyed the hell out of me everytime I was on public chat with his dickhead personality .
Best posts made by Cherry 17
RE: Congratulations To The Most Assholic Person ON TWS!!!!!!!!
RE: Congratulations To The Most Assholic Person ON TWS!!!!!!!!
@sumof1 Just because you have a dick doesn't mean that u have to act like one u know. I believe everyone has a good in them. And that includes you too. So just say sorry to everyone politely for ur rude behavior and there will be no bad comments about you.
RE: If your life was a movie, what would it be called?
@nutellabiggoat a super duper hit movie with lots of twists silly decision and cliche romance
RE: How many languages do you know and what are they?
I know 8 languages. English, Hindi, Nepali, bihari, Punjabi, hariyanvi, Assamese, Bengali. Since I'm Indian my country posses more than 1000 different language in its own.
RE: Congratulations To The Most Assholic Person ON TWS!!!!!!!!
@sumof1 are u for real? Are you trying to say that all these people are liars? Don't deny your fault OK. You and I both know that it is your fault. Just say sorry OK. Apologizing Won't make u feel small or hurt ur in fact it will gain u respect. Be a gentleman and say sorry for ur deeds. We all are here to make friends not enemies. You want that or so I think. May be your way was wrong but your intentions were not. Or so I think. Say sorry and prove to everyone that u came to make friends. Ok☺☺
RE: Who's your TWS family??
Thanks for considering me family. I love u.
RE: Favorite Band, Artist, Song
One Direction, song' I wish '.i love every song they have but this one is my song of the day.
RE: A philosophical question,
Zeus why r u making funny face in ur profile pic
RE: Take a time machine,
I'll want to meet Einstein and ask him if he was really going to build a time machine and how before he died.
RE: What would you do if you were invisible for a day?
I kick Donald Trump in the ass then run away
RE: What is you favorite hobby???
Reading, writing, painting, art n craft, making people happy. ☺☺😄😄
RE: Life of an Indian girl, according to Pakistanis 😂
@sarah Whatever it was it was funny not possible but hilarious
RE: What is your favorite food?
@layla Me too. I'm pure veg
RE: A philosophical question,
@zeus-_ I'm a medical student so it's pretty common for me to think like that
RE: Who's your TWS family??
@mars1234-2 u literally made me smile by ur words. Be my soul sister pls
RE: A philosophical question,
@wtfjudith That's right he looks soo cuteee