@Janet Oh yes!! And I love it! It has a certain charm to it but I love it nevertheless.

Posts made by Bye Butterfly
RE: "Without a dream in my heart.. without a love of my own.."
RE: "Without a dream in my heart.. without a love of my own.."
@knownsense I actually have a lot of songs like that.. but you're gonna' have to give me a song that's as beautiful as that one if you want them haha
RE: "Without a dream in my heart.. without a love of my own.."
@unaflores I'm glad you liked it. It's actually a rendition of an old song. But I prefer this one and the lofi version: BLUE MOON
"Without a dream in my heart.. without a love of my own.."
Wear an earphone or something while playing, the sound will be sooo much better..
RE: conjunction of saturn and jupiter
@sagii Yes! Yes! Is it your own creation? I love poetry <3
RE: I'm a depressive butterfly, to fragile for this life. To broken be mended.
@X-girl And next time, perhaps you might wanna' write with proper conventions before pointing out my "grammar" . I appreciate it though. Lots of love! ❤️
RE: I'm a depressive butterfly, to fragile for this life. To broken be mended.
@X-girl I know it is ungrammatical, I just find it very hard to focus. By the time I realized it, it was too late. It says I can only edit my post "3600 seconds" after posting it. But yeah thank you. I guess people just really like to focus on your mistakes rather than the message you are trying to impart.
RE: The Shape of Water
@knownsense Omg yes!! I know who Kahlil Gibran is. I used to have this academic book in English back in Highschool that has his mystical poem entitled "About Work". I fell in love with it so much that I had to memorize all of it! In fact I can recite it to you right now hahaha! As for the latter, I'm unfamiliar. I also love the "Desiderata by Max Ehrmann." And hey! I'm glad to know someone who knows my favorite poet ❤️
The Shape of Water
"..but when I think of her.. of Elisa,
the only thing that comes to mind is a poem,
whispered by someone in love hundreds of years ago..""Unable to perceive the shape of you, I find you all around me.
Your presence fills my eyes with your love,
It humbles my heart, for you are everywhere." - Jalal al-Din RumiExcerpt from a film of the same name. I just love that poem.
Awww I love that song! Cheers me up all the time.. But I like this version sooo much better!
RE: I don't even know your name..
@Avi He didn't. They both didn't 😔
I don't even know your name..
It's funny how I keep seeing the same names over and over again and yet I could never find yours. If you ever read this, please find me (Who, me?!)
Butterfly -
You Who Loves Nature
I came here looking for someone to talk to. But when I finally found someone, a simple misclick ruined it all. Now I'm here searching for you who loves nature. I'm still here wanting to have a decent conversation with you. The saddest part is.. I don't know if I'll be ever seeing you again. Perhaps you've been here for such a long time, perhaps you're like me.. who just visited only this time for wanting to talk to someone.
If you ever read this.. today.. tomorrow.. next month or next year.. or if you don't.. I just want you to know that I didn't actually leave you. I came here still looking for you for hours and days on end.So Mike, this is Summer.. I hope you find me again. And if that ever happens, you might wanna say "Hi!" again hahaha! I promise we'll talk about the things you love.
Summer -
Looking for Mike who loves nature
I accidentally clicked close button. You're the first guy who didn't shove a dick pic. to my face.
I tried finding you for hours but can't. Funny 'coz I keep on seeing the same names over and over again but yours. I'm Summer! Hope we can continue our conversation. -
I'm a depressive butterfly, to fragile for this life. To broken be mended.
Sooo earlier today, depression took over me again. I got overwhelmed by the feeling of pure sadness. At times like these, I don't know what to do. With no one in life but myself, I've been trying to find friends everywhere, not in real life, just online. Lord knows I'm an awkward creature.
So I decided to find a chat room for depressed, beautiful people, and it led me here.