My plan is to conquer this site and become its new leader
Best posts made by brettishere
Hello, I am new to this website and I one day plan on taking it over and making it into something great
Hello everyone, how are you all enjoying your stay on this site?
Just wanna know how we are all doing
RE: Hello, I am new to this website and I one day plan on taking it over and making it into something great
Hey guys just checking in on my favorite conquered people ever!!!! Love you guys! Promise I won’t make any harsh new terms of use!
RE: Just bored 😐 female 18 just wanna chat
@rubyUSA nothin much just very hungry
RE: Hello, I am new to this website and I one day plan on taking it over and making it into something great
@Karina-Kara I promise to bring only quality memes to this site!
RE: Real conversation maybe??
@brettishere sorry just noticed I sent this through twice I’m not a weird creep or anything I swear
RE: Talk to me about anything plz
@AuroraFan gotta go buy a cup, or make it
RE: How's your LIFE treating you nowadays ? :)
@cjko If getting my ass kicked by it is an answer, then I pick that one
RE: Hello everyone, how are you all enjoying your stay on this site?
@sup hey buddy I’m sorry to hear that, if you want a friend I’m always open for another
RE: Hello everyone, how are you all enjoying your stay on this site?
@TheGoldenMole that’s great to here!!!! Enjoy your stay!
RE: Hello, I am new to this website and I one day plan on taking it over and making it into something great
@cjko wow did you not like being called friend?