We've been getting a lot of that, too haha

Posts made by AutumnFyre
RE: Nice weather we are having, huh?
RE: Peace and Solace
Unfortunately I don't have any pictures, but pretty much anywhere out in nature where there's no one else (esp by streams or rivers).
RE: Wander how this will go ;)
@cjko Nice to know I'm giving off the impression of genius :3
RE: Wander how this will go ;)
Just understanding someone takes care. Helping anyone takes a magnanimous you.
RE: I'm bored. Anyone want me to draw a picture of them?(here's an example of my work)
@iamthecure Here's a direct link to the register page. :)
RE: Tell me something interesting about yourself
Since everyone's talking about sleeping anyway - Often when I wake up from a nightmare, the nightmare continues in my real world for awhile. I also sleepwalk and talk a lot. :P
RE: How do I know if I should quit my job?
You should probably first decide what you want to do instead and send out some applications, but once you've got that out of the way, then YES! DO IT! :)
RE: I'm bored. Anyone want me to draw a picture of them?(here's an example of my work)
Holy crap that's good! You should join Deviantart.
RE: QnA ask me anything
Do you have anything that's generally considered for kids? Like stuffed animals or coloring books, etc?
RE: Let's talk with sense! :)
Personally I don't think time exists because time is relative (think time dilation). I think time is really just our name for change. Most people picture time as a stretched out ribbon as in graphical timelines, but I think it's more like a solid point (just like there are many ways to graph information, there are many different ways people can graph time). The past is what happened in that point before it changed, and the future is simply what changes will take place. If there was something that never changed, then it would exist outside time. And there's no such thing as time travel; the measure of change is merely slowed or sped up depending on the point of observation.
Sorry if this doesn't make any sense. It sounded better in my head hahaha and I'm no scientist.
RE: Been bothered by this thought for a week now
@azriel said in Been bothered by this thought for a week now:
If I punch myself and I break does that mean I'm too weak or am just too strong?
RE: There any decent people who wanna talk?
@pepemyhoe said in There any decent people who wanna talk?:
All im running into is horny indian dudes
This made me laugh so hard because it's so true!!
Feel free to hit me up sometime :) You don't have to follow me to send a chat -
RE: Da pub chatt isn’t working
The public chat isn't working and the site keeps going down. So there's probs a prob with the host.
RE: Why it is so hard??
@sayannandi98 Probably bc not everyone who uses random chat knows about the rest of the community. Maybe you should try telling people you meet about it as soon as you think they're someone you wanna keep in contact with.
RE: Where is the good in goodbyes?
Don't be sad because it's over. Be glad that it happened :)