This question's been running in my mind lately. My teacher asked this to me in class. Every answer is valid, though. Yet, he wants me to come up with something deeper than my answer. Any thoughts bout this?

Best posts made by AthenaTheGreatxx
What do you think is your purpose in life?
Is it necessary to know someone's personal information to like him/her? I think, a person can fall for someone he/she talks/chats to for a long time even if he/she haven't seen his/her appearance yet. LOL. Just saying tho.
RE: What do you think is your purpose in life?
Thank you for your opinions. I greatly appreciate all of them. :> All of you helped a lot. :)
RE: What do you think is your purpose in life?
@roney1718 As a human, there's also a part of me who just wants satisfaction and fulfillment of my desires/pleasures/wants. This is still a good answer tho since everyone has their own preferences.
RE: What do you think is your purpose in life?
@bushmurry My answer was 'I think everyone is designated for a purpose and discovering it comes along the way. Maybe I can figure it out fully when the time comes. But for now, I think it's to grab this chance to fulfill my goals/dreams in life and to not put it into waste.'
Just another crazy thought.
What if you die and discover that humans are manipulated by aliens? And God, which you believed exists turns out to be the ruler of those aliens? Hmmmmm. Just a crazy thought tho.
RE: What do you think is your purpose in life?
But you attached a qoute. Is there a deeper reason for that? Hahaha.
RE: What do you think is your purpose in life?
@maverick832 You wanna be an astronaut? Or you really want to live there?
RE: What do you think is your purpose in life?
@mchlchance Living life to the fullest? Hmmm. This is what I'm doing right now. Let's enjoy this journey as you've said and figure out the answer to this question along the way. :)
RE: What do you think is your purpose in life?
@i-am-male Thank you for taking this question seriously. :) I'll take note of all that you've said. You're a big help.
RE: What do you think is your purpose in life?
@jynextremist I'm still 19. Too young to be asked of this question, right? :)
@amron24 I hope some people love/like someone based on their mutual understanding tho. But, I also think that a person still needs to be careful when having feelings with someone he/she hasn't met yet.
@girlnextdoor Nope. Not here. Just got here two days ago.
RE: What do you think is your purpose in life?
@biman To reproduce? Is that what you meant?
@girlnextdoor Hmmmm. I'm starting to like it here. Maybe, I will. It depends. :)
RE: What do you think is your purpose in life?
@thestrangest Yep. It means that I'm a bit confused with the complexity of those terms you've mentioned. I'll look into it to be able to comprehend.