@justB Hello I had kind of forgotten that I had posted this story... but will you please point out the grammatical errors if you're free enough to do it? It would be really helpful :D

Posts made by Arusha
RE: A Short Story: Beauty
RE: If you where going to get married, what song would ur first dance be?
@iambethhere Can I get invited to your wedding bestie? It's definitely gonna be something to witness lol
RE: some song suggestions please~
I absolutely adore this song-
Hope you'll like it! -
RE: heyy ! i'm new here, wanna be my friend ? (≧∇≦)ノ
I'm 16 and would love to be your friend <3 -
RE: Hello! Ask me anything!!
@Raye Oh alright! And if you read Six of Crows then try to read the Shadow & Bone series. It is the first series in the "Grisha Verse" and SoC is the second. You can read it standalone too but things will make more sense if you read Shadow & Bone first : )
RE: A Short Story: Beauty
@justB Thank you so much for the analysis! I'll work on it in my next short story!
A Short Story: Beauty
He inhaled that scent deeply. Blood. And it smelt sweet. Just how he liked it. He followed the scent into the forest. He was so enchanted by that scent, he didn't realize what his senses were trying to tell him. He didn't realize it then and he didn't realize it when he reached that clearing.
The moon light finally brought him back to his senses and he finally paid attention to his surroundings. He had never ever found this place during all his ventures. Far off in the clearing, there was a figure. A woman.
'Even better.'
He thought and smiled. She looked almost ghostly under the faint moonlight. She was pale, very very pale. Almost like him. But it didn't make her seem sickly, no. If anything, it just added to her beauty. She was the epitome of beauty and grace and she knew it as she danced around in that flimsy white dress, not bothering to cover herself.
Beauty was made to be seen and she made sure of that as she continued her dance, not caring about anyone who might see her but at the same time, calling out to him. There was something about her that made him forget all sense and just drown himself in her. He wanted a taste of her and he was going to get it. And he will make sure that no one will touch her again. She was his. With this he proceeded to her and he didn't pay heed to all the warning bells ringing in his head. He didn't pay heed to them then and he didn't pay heed to them when she was in his grasp, begging for her life.
This made him feel even more powerful. Beauty, weak and frail, at his mercy. There was this animalistic urge inside him to claim her already and drain her of her blood till she was as pale as him. For the first time in the whole night, he listened to what his brain was telling him and dipped in to take the first bite but then he heard her let out a slight chuckle. He looked at her mouth which had been morphed into a sinister smile.
Looking at her, for the first time in his long life, he felt fear. Fear for himself. Fear of what is going to happen to him. And all this, just because of a smile. Her smile just became wider when she saw the effect she had on him. She was used to it, of course. But the thrill that it gave her, can't be measured. She loved the effect she had on him and she didn't want him to feel the same for anyone else. There was only one way she could make sure of that.
Her nails started to grow and she slightly graced them upon his neck and said, in a low, seductive voice,
"So what do we have here? A vampire... Haven't had one since ages."
He tried to move out of her grip, he really did, but he couldn't. He was under her spell and they both knew it. He was not used to this. He was always the one in control and now he was at the mercy of someone else. Being immortal, he had never feared death, but at that moment, the only thing he was scared the most for, was his life. She could take his life and he knew he would allow her. She knew this too as she softly traced his face with her nails, which were growing longer and longer with each second. She was enjoying this a lot. The fear in his eyes was just encouraging her more.
"It would be a pity to kill you honey, but it has to be done. You think you're immortal aren't you?"
He couldn't answer her. He was going to die. He was sure of it. He knew that she would make sure of it. Her smile turned into an ugly sneer,
"Answer me when I ask you something!"
He was frozen. He tried answering her, but his words died in his throat. All he could do was gape at her. She clicked her tongue in annoyance and said,
"I was thinking of going easy on you but now, I'm not too sure. Do you really want a cruel death darling? I'll be more than happy to give it to you."
"So he speaks! I was starting to pity you, you know? Losing your ability to speak? Now that's really unfortunate. The last vampire that I encountered was more jovial to talk too. Don't get me wrong, you look way better than him but in the conversation department, you're quite lacking. Well, it doesn't really matter does it? Since you're going to die anyway."
She let out a light laugh as if all this was just a play and an amusing one at that. His cold blood turned even more cold if it was possible. He was regretting ever following this scent. HIs whole life flashed in front of him. All the people he had killed and taken advantage of. He remembered each and every one of them. But what he didn't remember were the smiles they had on their faces. Smiles identical to the woman- No, the monster- in front of him. Like they all shared a secret he wasn't part of. As he was thinking of all this, beauty was getting restless. He wasn't what she had expected but she decided to make the most of it as she finally stopped tracing her nails on his face and instead stabbed them inside his skin. He screamed out in pain. It was happening, he realized, he was going to die. And it wasn't going to be peaceful.
RE: What song are you listening to RIGHT NOW????
@Janet Listening to the Titanium cover by Madilyn Bailey
RE: Hello! Ask me anything!!
@Raye Oh yup they're amazing, you've read them?
RE: Hello! Ask me anything!!
@mahsa2003 Sorry but that's a personal question!
RE: Hello! Ask me anything!!
@Raye That's a hard one... I really love the whole Percy Jackson series by Rick Riordan.
And the Six of Crows duology by Leigh Bardugo.
I can make a whole list but I guess this'll have to do for now
RE: Hello! Ask me anything!!
@justB Yeah I guess it isn't lol
I write short stories usually. I've been worldbuilding extensively since the past 2 years and now I'm working on the first draft of a novel that I'm trying to write.
RE: Hello! Ask me anything!!
@justB The last book I read was "Mockingjay" from The Hunger Games series.
I like anything that sounds good but I usually listen to country, pop and k-pop. Plus I really love Taylor Swift.
My hobbies are listening to music, singing, reading, writing, scrolling through social media and procrastinating about anything and everything!
RE: Can someone help me, give me advice with family problems?
That's... that's so bad I'm so sorry.
Okay look, I hope you know that you won't be forced to give an interview. And if you're under the protection of social workers then it's even better. You can never be sure when your father hits his limit and actually commits suicide.
Don't take risks and contact the social worker. Ask for some protection and they'll definitely give it to you! That's their job.And I have anxiety as well. It's a horrible thing but spending time with your loved ones can help. If you still aren't convinced about leaving, then try to spend as much time as you can outside with your sister. Taking walks with her and stuff like that. Try to study in between that time. If you can, then lock yourself inside a room when you're studying (Preferably with your sister in there too) and don't come out until you're done. When you're not studying, listen to music, watch movies, read books. Anything that's enjoyable and takes your mind off things. Research on jobs so that it gives you somethinig to hope for.
I know this isn't that helpful but you're strong, you'll get through this!
Hello! Ask me anything!!
About books, music, anything!
no personal questions tho