@le0nard0 Ehh, can't get to sleep, but after i binge, I'll be sure to fall asleep. Just give me something interesting
Posts made by AreYouHappy
RE: It's 3 am and I'm bored
It's 3 am and I'm bored
Hey,I'm bored,and I'm probably not supposed to be up at this ungodly hour.Make me interested. ●︿●
(image l )
Just a little break. (and not the KitKat one)
Sometimes, we just need to take a break from reality. Us humans, we like to talk, but sometimes we need to break. Have you found yourself thinking of that place that you want to be? That place you believe you're wanted, and needed? Yeah, we've all felt that, at least once. So sometimes, it's good to take a break,relax, just space out. Its great if you can go to that place with someone, but sometimes, alone is where you want to be.
Change my mind, right now
Jesus doesn't come down,because he fears us now.
RE: Do you feel cold?
@rebel_cute something you'll never understand.
Do you feel cold?
It's not often that a human feels cold, or is broken.
But sometimes they do.
It makes them different.
They understand.
They see it.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