Hi! Yes God exists, I've never seen him during this life so far but I know he hears me. He is our creator.
Posts made by angelsareforreal
RE: Has anyone ever seen God? Does it exist?
RE: What's death and what happens after that?
@alwaysstranger you can ask the person that will guide the meditation when doing a past life regression that you want him/her to guide you to understand what happened after you died on your last life or the life the meditation guides you to.
RE: What's death and what happens after that?
@alwaysstranger you can think whatever you please there is nothing wrong with that. The best way to get the proof you want to see is by doing a past life regression with someone that is local to where you live that knows how to do this. It's basically a meditation, it doesn't involve religion or anything like that. Meditation can also help to relax so you will love it! blessings!
RE: What's death and what happens after that?
I believe and my spiritual being tells me there is life after what we call "dead" here on Earth. Death, is really the beginning of a new dimension in which there is peace and there is no negativity like we experience here on Earth. Basically, you have a spirit that's eternal. Ask the universe for answers and you will get this response. You have to be open minded of course to hear answers from the divine (truth). Even most religions believe in life after death. I can assure you that you will continue to live and have a conscious after you die. The only difference is that you will not have a physical body.There's a transition that occurs from this dimension to the next which is what we call "heaven" here on Earth.
RE: Pregnancy "Women Advice"
I think it could very much be her hormones. Many women get mood swings while pregnant. I would say, you are trying your best to be a good man to her by being there. I would suggest to bring it up to her about how it's making you feel. Hope this helps
RE: Do you agree that "racism is taught??"
I agree as well. I do believe tho that it can be changed. It all starts with ourselfs. Some people think that if they don't say something racist but they think it, it's no harm. I have to say that even a thought of racism is still being racist. They key is training the mind the way you think and healing that part. It's possible but we have to want it in order to create the change.
RE: Give me some advice...
Know that the best plan on earth is not our made up plans but the plans that God or whatever higher power you believe in has for you, all we have to do is be adaptable to change sometimes unexpected and see everything with a positive attitude. After all, we are here to learn and it's only temporarily.
Did you know it is Archangels day today Sept. 29?
Blessings to all. I pray that each one of you sees the help that they bring to your lives everyday. Have you had any recent coincidences? think twice, it's more than that it's angels reminding you they are here with you! ♥
RE: Pls someone tell me some great movies..
Hi, I really like inspirational movies that are true stories. I would recommend Heaven is for real, miracles from heaven, Little Boy. I also enjoy comedy movies a recent funny one I really enjoyed watching is How to be a Latin Lover.
RE: What would YOU do if YOU were BULLIED???
In the past I would try to avoid and ignore them. I feel till this day that is all you can really do. Also, I pray for them because that is the best thing you can do to help them!
RE: Coming out to your parents as gay.
No I didn't have this experience. I can try to help still! Putting myself in your shoes I can see this being a little challenging. Do you know if he is violent? if so, I would wait till you are old enough to move out. If your mom is open minded i would tell her first so that way she can ease the way you will tell your dad and she can back you up. Know though that there is nothing wrong with your preference. blessings!
RE: Do you think ISLAM is a religion of terrorism ?
I think it is just a religion just like all the other ones so no I don't think it is a religion of terrorism as a whole. There are many good people in it and I respect what they believe in. Blessings!
RE: Where is the best place to live a peaceful and stress-free life?
you can live anywhere and be at peace, it's the way you see the place you are in. blessings and peace to you ♥
RE: what do u do on your free time ?
Dance! I love to dance salsa! and spend time with my family, friends and I like to pray ♥
RE: What do you do to make the world a better place?
Hi Ragnar! interesting and good question. The world starts ultimately in the world that we each live in. Therefore, being the best version of yourself, helping others, being humble, spreading LOVE and loving yourself as a priority helps the world tremendously. Love spreads and is returned to you by the universe and the angels. Blessings and peace to you and everyone reading this ♥♥