@thestrangest I highly doubt it.

Posts made by Amron24
RE: Does the word 'death' scare you?
@zombiecat Couple of years back I had a near death experience myself. Now just like you i'm quite prepared..
RE: Does the word 'death' scare you?
@cincin Not the word itself, the idea behind it.
When you love someone who you've never met means you love the understanding between you two not his/her appearance. So 'No, it's not necessary'. Sadly this phenomenon is long lost.
RE: If freedom is simply being able to do what you want, are animals freer than humans?
Don't compare animals with humans..
RE: Confused and Conflicted
@swaggyunicorn So you have a man crush, no big deal. Many people have it
RE: Thoughts on favouratism
It's acceptable to a certain extent.. Not such a good thing though especially when it comes to kids.
RE: Palmistry/Tarots/Astrology
@raha95 No I'm still learning. But I know a very good site where you can get tarot readings.
RE: Palmistry/Tarots/Astrology
@raha95 Absolutely, where do you get your tarot readings?
Does anyone believe in it? Tarots are very accurate for me everytime..
RE: what in your opinion is the difference between real love and infatuation?
Real love is a feeling.. It's the most beautiful feeling you can ever have, you'll start blindly trusting your partner, you'll neglect all their faults, their presence will be very comforting, once two are in real love there's a high chance that they will live together. Death or separation will definitely leave a mark on one.
Infatuation is, let's say you are a fan of iPhone you purchase the iPhone X, you use it for an year or two after that you'll get fed up of it. You can call infatuation a temporary admiration. -
RE: What is the dark web? Hidden internet? What are something's I can discover using tor?
A dark web is a custom web portal designed by professional hackers for those who do illegal things. It consists of several services that you can avail, such as buying credit card information's, bet money on human tortures, get fake passports, hire hitmans, sell and buy drugs in large amounts and much more..
RE: What kind of car do you own? What is your dream car?
I don't own a car yet, but my dream car is a custom Nissan Skyline GTR 34. Also Civic 2016 not the best car to invest on, unless you're getting a very reasonable rate for it.