@Kina_Joy I can’t what?

Posts made by Alughost
RE: Thought I post to this sad site
@Kina_Joy Anyway let me know if I can ever be of service to you. It’ll be a pleasure to render you whatever aid I can. Tc of yourself now and don’t stay gone too long.
RE: Thought I post to this sad site
@Kina_Joy I state but simple facts. It’s you that made yourself a joy to know.
RE: Thought I post to this sad site
@Kina_Joy You were always a voice of reason. And your lovely voice has been most missed here.
RE: Thought I post to this sad site
@Kina_Joy Not a problem Kina. You’ve been missed. I know the halls of tws will be brighter while you visit.
RE: Thought I post to this sad site
@Kina_Joy Welcome Back Kina missed ya. I agree with Chew. Sorry to here that he left. Keep in touch with us.
RE: Your preferred god
@Lunamaria I prefer to believe in the spirits of this world. Nature and it’s awareness so to speak.
@chaser2010 I’d go Villain because they have more fun. Unless we can be an unknown anti-hero then I go that route. But if the two listed options I gotta go villain.
RE: i have been listening to this song on loop for 12 hrs straight
@haylie I love the song Piccola and I’m definitely adding it to my downloads
@chewie May you waste many more hours of time with fun chat. Happy birthday brother
RE: What do you think of this Quote? and Why?
@chewie Exactly. Windu knew what palps would do. Knew he was dangerous. But he trusted Anakin. Didn’t pay attention to all the signs that were there. And he died for it.
RE: What do you think of this Quote? and Why?
@chewie I’ve got a similar saying for you Chewie. Keep you’re friends close you’re enemies closer. Because you trust you’re friends but you can trust you’re enemies more. You know what you’re enemies are going to do to you. But if a friend decides to betray you, you won’t see it coming.
RE: damn im nothing so what do u see in me like wtf
@Haylie-Wagner I don’t see nothing. I see a pretty young lady with her whole life ahead of her.
RE: im currently listening to a song i cant get out of my head,damn wtf am i thinking
@Haylie-Wagner Good song loved listening to it.
RE: Tell you guys something important! Leaving finally to spend time with my Fiancé and my belly bump you know what I mean A BABY
@Former-User you’ll be missed. And congrats on it all. If the wookie doesn’t get him then the vampire might.
RE: Flashback Graduation!!
@Jay-and-Kina I personally hated school. Wish to forget ever having been.