@Rayse said in guys i have a announcement:
what you have against diabetes
@Rayse said in guys i have a announcement:
what you have against diabetes
@Zen00 you should have called her Coca-cola but she is cute:heart_eyes:
Tws is like my social life :skull_and_crossbones:
pubg was just a copy of pongm moving pixels and shit no i go for the real old shit
rocknight you kill your friends with a rock at night the last one to survives wins, the end
@Lurker well first your f@cking wrong and you will perish you retched headen,
then thanks for the fucking tip ill show him who's the boss
@Hrn69 no beacuse pepsi tastes like shit, and probally has aborted fetus in it
i really fucking hat when people drink pepsi instead of cola and people who drink pepsi are garbage and your legally now allowed to kill them, that is now the law you can kill people who drink pepsi.
and who the f"ack decided that pepsi is cute should be a tag
@The-wise-one aah probaly gonna go live in four minuts
@Karina-Kara damn fooled again no uwu here
@Kana aww bowl kitties and that cartoon reminds me of you (:
hmm somthing went worng
hrny i do not no what but i get it
@Kana aww i love the cute kitties from the bowl
and yhea i can regonize that