@Abcc Fuck I found this topic too late ... :(

Posts made by Achernar
RE: I wanna sit under stars at 3 am and talk about wierd stuff :)
Achernar ? What is that ?!
Achernar, It is the eighth brightest star in the night sky.
It is a very bright dwarf or subgiant star of blue-white color.Achernar is one of the stars whose proper rotation is among the fastest. As a result of this considerable rotation, Achernar is the flattest star known to date. this extreme flattening represents a challenge for models of the internal structure of stars.
This is not beautiful ? :)
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Give me one lie and two truth and i guess what's the lie
And please don't forget to let a upvote too :)
How many upvotes can you all give me in one topic ?
I dare each of you to give me one up and we see how many I have at the end ! :)