I wouldnt actuaaly mind but i should be given the liberty to choose my partner at least😂

_U dont know me_
@_U dont know me_
Ready! :)
Just student...joy is my deal...
Give me some to know me😂...
+I am going through a phase of my life...
+I wanna make this great..
#Please i want people to help me from all over the world😏!
&. I am kinda depressed..
Looking always for something that real
life doesnt always give you..i hope you
know what i mean..
!. 😑i have kinda become virtualistic,
More artificial and unreal.not just that.
It feels like as if im getting visions and
I cant feel the real person i am
I become like an imitator, trying to
copy the good from others.
I a losing control of myself..
?. 😄I Wanna be myself. I m trying my
Level best to be the person i am..
To be a part of this great world i was
born into.
@talkwithstrangers is really awesome.
Its kind of pervertish but its like. it
makes me feel like a part of the
freaking community that seems to
lack from my life.
😉i feel different.
This app gives me feel of a great
participation at all times..
Getting to the pervy part..😒
I am not a good human😎
Anyone looking for free use and
entertainment can use this app..the
immense options make it like a
heavenly abode
😂I guess that was too much..
Thanks for reading about me ..
I write long as i see that still the limit is 1500 words out of 12000.😂
Best posts made by _U dont know me_
RE: (Open me bitch)
Latest posts made by _U dont know me_
RE: .............................................................
Not exactly sure as im not a girl..✌
RE: I'm Female 16 looking for 16-17 to chat
Hey..im 16..free for any talks✌
RE: (Open me bitch)
I wouldnt actuaaly mind but i should be given the liberty to choose my partner at least😂