Saturday!! I can return home for a nap after a tiring school day without worrying about any homework

Posts made by _riddle
RE: What is your favorite day of the week? And why?
RE: Tell me 3 things you remember about kindergarten.
I remember crying in kindergarten when my teacher asked me to show her my fancy water flask..
RE: What is the random thing that gives you anxiety?
Getting run over by big trucks while crossing roads, and when i go to get a haircut..
RE: Favorite Band, Artist, Song
Fav band : My chemical romance
Fav artist : Ed sheeran
Fav song : Eh, Change of heart, Cradled in love..etc etc.. -
RE: ever been in love with 2 peoples at the same time? do you think that's wrong?
NAy ! .. when i fall for a person i turn hopelessly romantic and spend countless hours in wondering how could everything about "Her" be so GREAT! No other girl seems to exist that time .... and then i end up getting dumped, most of times.(eh, twice to be precise)
RE: what is your favorite thing to spend money on??
Food !! ❤ and um clothes maybe
RE: Do you Think its Possible...
Yep, a guy and a girl can be bff ! Um, but they are likely to fall for each other someday and it might all get awkward for both of them to stay the same , yet if they confess their feelings, they'll again be able to stay the same for they've known each other for long enough not to ditch each other just cause they've started to have feelings.
RE: what cheers you up?
IF you're feeling down there's no point in staying awake and thinking about all the depressing things, its better to take a nap..believe me, you'll wake up with a cheerful mood ..but don't oversleep!!
RE: If you could get super powers for one day what power would you choose and what would you use it for
Ouh i'd like to have the power of Telepathy ! I wanna know whats going on inside everyone's head
RE: Having S..x With More Than One In Whole Life Is It Wrong Or Right..?
Eh..having sex can't be wrong if the persons involved are willing to do it.
RE: What causes sea waves ?
@lucifer_ bad sorry..
RE: What causes sea waves ?
Lunar gravitational force is also responsible right?
RE: If you could give one piece of advice to the whole world, what would it be?
@ragnar-lothbrok well then, .. Never expect too much from others.
RE: Is it better to be told comforting lies or unpleasant truths?
@ragnar-lothbrok unless i know its a lie, it'll be a truth for me
RE: Is it better to be told comforting lies or unpleasant truths?
@ragnar-lothbrok umm, yes I guess..a simple comforting lie can keep your miseries at bay..
RE: If you could give one piece of advice to the whole world, what would it be?
Nobody's gonna listen to my advice anyway, 😂
RE: Is it better to be told comforting lies or unpleasant truths?
Comforting lies, ..unless I'm unaware of the truth nothing is going to stress me out or ruin my mood.
RE: What do you do to make the world a better place?
I'll firstly try to make myself a better man and then if that happens, i'll focus on others, one at a time, i'll try changing people , though i dont think people can be changed that easily..And yeah, you dont necessarily have to change people to make this world a better place but as compared to situations, people are easier to change.