What do you guys think about Cosplay I love doing cosplay

  • @Lazz
    Wow, to each their own opinion, exactly it wasn't for me so ?? but whoaaaa. I think she looks stunning, good for you anything else ?? fantastic, and she's got a great personality, wonderdful I do not know that ??:if she is good for her !!

    She's a very special lady, well all are in Thier own way I guess ?? inside and out that's what real beauty innit ??


    Nice cosplay I'm a girl from japan and you did a good job

  • @spookbunni Greetings !!
    oh yeah response tells me is that you're a jealous dick, lmao 😂🤣😂🤣😂for what joy I should be ?? it has no meaning of perception individuality and that you're a piece of shit, i accept it for you,I thank you dearie!! Assumption is not good for the mental health keeps always cluttered also go la la la in brain soon .. now what did I say wrong?? .brutal but truth so ?? U have a nice lovely wonderful day now hi , then bye!!

  • Banned

    @kabirsinghh15 sure 💜


    I love doing it not as much as I did but just don't overdue it lol

  • Banned

    @knownsense you can kiss my ass what you said was offensive and rude in you are not respectful whatsoever and I'm not intolerant to your individual perception intolerant to your disrespectfulness in your weakness of a perception which had judgement no helpful criticism


    But not trying to be mean but here in japan when you do cosplay you need to keep it natural

  • @spookbunni
    you can kiss my ass, well!! how young are you?? If you are are old enough I do not mind kissing your ass also many other play Under Skirt Activity in USA ??
    what you said was offensive and rude , tell me which part it was rude ?? you are not respectful what ?? So ??
    whatsoever and I'm not intolerant to your individual perception intolerant to your disrespectfulness in your weakness of a perception which had judgement no helpful criticism.. oh ingnotant child ask yourself why are you like this ??:with whom ?? For what ?? Well something is burning .. I don't like to kiss burnt ass !! Nothing is good bad or evil all are perspective so .. get one which make sense to you !!

  • Well if you like to know what rude is , I can bring it on for you ?? Let me know yeah


    @Knownsense yes its a little overdue but it still looks nice plus I'm sure she isn't actual japanese so she has to make herself look like one

  • @Kina_Joy
    yes its a little overdue, ok I ask forgiveness miss @spookbunni if I hurt you ??
    but it still looks nice plus I'm sure she isn't actual japanese so she has to make herself look like one I do not care what she is , I said make up is not wow it's good , horns are tacky, ears are cheesy also yakk !!
    So what did I say that's was so ride to her ?? If yes I can't help


    @spookibunni Everyone one has they're own opinions and yes @knownsense say what he wanted

  • hi i like your cosplay

  • @spookbunni follow me let's chat ♥️

  • @spookbunni the cosplay looks good. Although i wish the ears looked more like ur own skin.

    Overall awesome. I have alot of ideas for cosplay if you want btw.

  • ♡ soul searchers ♡ Banned

    @knownsense why such rudeness? Are you like a internet troll? Attacking people to see what makes them upset? You must be a miserable person.. Blessings your Sad pathetic heart..your life must suck ass if you attack a 19 year old girl. Lol

  • @Alireza-iran oh good to know !! well I guess it's tacky for me this fellow also noticed the ears ..
    Now @Killstar66 ,@spookbunni so yeah !!

  • @spookbunni hey follow me let's chat
    I can't text you until you follow me

  • @knownsense For Someone Who Wants To Call Me With A Small Brain You Seem To Feel The Need To Express Yourself In A Very Long Essay But I Will Definitely Let You Know This She's A Good And Kind Person She's Never Done Anything Wrong To Anyone Or You.And For Someone To Sit There Behind The Keyboard And Criticize Her Cosplay Products Or Criticize Whatever It Is That She Does out of pure Envy cuz it's what it is . Means Deep Down Inside Of you is The Miserable And Hateful Person. And Seems To Confuse Malevolent Behavior And Malicious Comments For Helpful Criticism Or Judgment Of Any Kind. You Have No Business Accusing Anybody Of Anything Because As Far As Your Keyboard Can Type You Seem To Be Very Insecure With Yourself As Far As To Label People Things. So I Will Tell You This Your Thoughts Your Opinions They Don't Matter When You Go And Criticise And Bother Someone That I Like Or Some Of That I Care About Someone I Consider A Friend Then You Have Crossed Boundaries. I don't care if you're unhappy at home I don't care if you have depression or angry or miserable you have no right to treat anyone that way who's never done anything to you. But then again you or the definition of not loving yourself as your neighbor so therefore if you don't love yourself how do you expect you to love or respect anyone else?!. Or You're Bad And Beguiling Behavior Will Start To Catch Up To You And Then You'll Realize What You Were Such A Little loser As To Attack Someone Who's Never Done Anything To You Because You're Insecure Of Yourself And Feel The Need To Criticize Control And Someone Else Because You Have Some Type Of Mental Capacity Issue That's Something They Have To Solve With Yourself That's Why It's Called Self-esteem You Go Ahead And Solve That Shit And Stop Being Such A Troll . Learn To Have Some Type Of Self Dignity And Respect And Integrity And Then Maybe Some Love For Yourself And Maybe You'll Learn To Treat Others Better And Have A Nice Day

  • @spookbunni I mean, i'm not one to side with fkn @knownsense ... but what he said wasn't really fucking rude, lmao. You posted this here for people to judge. no? He said his opinion of it was it was tacky, if you can't take criticism don't ask for it. --- it appears only compliments are accepted when it comes to our opinions. heheheheheh