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Pandilla de Pandas!

Este es un grupo para los hispanohablantes.

Only the bestest of the most bestest!

Red Raccoon Society despite whatever the group name says ☝️

  • RE: Goodbye,everyone at Tws.

    What if you're gay already? Does it cancel the gayness out or double it? Can I extend my lifetime by taking it to its highest exponent?

    posted in Internet is Beautiful
  • Our new Live Chat Moderators !!

    I would like to officially welcome our new members @Ruth @luna and @Thomas to the Live Chat Moderator Team.
    You’ve been a great addition to the team, we are looking forward to work with you three.
    We sincerely hope that you’ll live up to the responsibilities entrusted to you. Thank you!!

    posted in TalkWithStranger Announcements & Updates
  • RE: Best music video and why?

    @Malhama scary eye

    posted in Music Lovers
  • RE: How should you handle abusive chatters?

    There is a reason why I don’t interact directly with the users on live chat anymore, take this topic for an example, no matter how we act or interact, people like you will always find something to whine about and support it with trolling and spamming.
    You can keep posting shit, accuse us mods/other users or even file complaints against us, it will have no impact at all unless you start behaving yourself. If you expect us to do something, make sure you stop being a contradictory person first.
    I may be “quiet” and interact less but that doesn’t mean I’m not aware of anything or you people as a person, it’s the complete opposite. I’m still present and yes it is truly amazing, as we did interact lots of times before but you didn’t appreciate it because of the “unfair” treatment.
    Do try to make up with your fellow users as it seems to be a more personal issue:)

    posted in Moderators Discussions
  • RE: How should you handle abusive chatters?

    @Bab she is one of the most annoying kids here who trolls, clones and spams which makes this topic completely irrelevant, very contradictory person.

    posted in Moderators Discussions
  • RE: NSFW topic !!!!!!!!! 😳

    posted in Internet is Beautiful
  • RE: Boyfriend checking girls out constantly

    @TM I'm not even going to dignify those questions with a response. For someone who claims to have a purity-oriented mindset, you seem pathologically obsessed with my sexual life, which is far less varied than you credit it to be. I wouldn't be surprised if your fascination with dicks (prosthetic and otherwise) reflected your actual inclinations.

    posted in Questions & Answers from Strangers
  • RE: Boyfriend checking girls out constantly

    First of all, people don't stop noticing attractive people just because they're in a relationship. That's perfectly natural and has nothing to do with your looks or your partner's ability to remain faithful. However, one thing is to steal a glance at a passerby, another is to gawk or give them a lingering stare, which makes everyone involved uncomfortable. You've already brought up the subject, and he's made no effort to accommodate your request. Are you willing to tolerate this behavior in order to preserve a relationship where you feel disrespected, or will you break the cycle? Nobody can make that choice for you.

    posted in Questions & Answers from Strangers
    1. New Zealand (partly because of the stunning scenery, partly because I'm a huge Tolkien nerd)

    1. Turkey (I want to visit both Istanbul and Capadoccia)

    1. The Scottish Highlands

    Bonus destinations: Kyoto, Morocco, Iceland

    posted in Travel
  • RE: Help please, relationship advice

    My takeaway is that you're pursuing a long-term relationship with someone who's not ready to commit due to deep-seated mental issues. Are you emotionally equipped and willing to take this arrangement for what it is rather than what you want it to be? Everything that you've mentioned till now seems to be indicative that you aren't. Keep in mind that there's no quick fix, and the situation isn't going to change overnight (if it ever does), so you can either adjust your expectations or leave while you still are on good terms.

    She informed me of a guy that he manager at her job is trying to hook her up with and she told me she wasn't interested but because of the no official " label" of her and I she tells the dude she isn't interested in dating him. But the guy is persistent and keeps showing up to her work and texting her and because we aren't really official but she basically treats my like a significant other Im in a position where I don't really have any say over the whole thing.

    Your ladyfriend's acquaintance refuses to leave her alone even though she's manifestly turned him down (saying you're not interested should be enough for someone to back off, mind you, no need to make clear you already "belong to" another guy). This is not a call for you to step in like a knight armed with jealousy. She should reach out to HR or get the authorities involved.

    posted in Relationships








  • im going to crash out sero im janice

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  • @Marielle-Guadamor no one finds anyone here

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  • we can give some advices each other
    msg me if you see

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  • Hey, Julie, if you see this and if we got disconnected accidently then please write to me.

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  • May I lost you I guess if u can see me snap me manuxavier4

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  • Hey may can we connect

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  • Looking for you to reconnect again

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  • Hi huhu I'm looking for Slavic M24EU!!!🥹🥹🥹 It's me Rie.

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  • Hi Shreya,

    We disconnected from online chat. Ping me here

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  • M17 got disconnected we were talking and all of a sudden you remember India?

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  • We would like to introduce the new product of TWS -
    Free chat provides you multiple features like group text, guest account (for the users who don't want to create an account) , dming options, different options to decorate ur profile, group voice calling , audio player with different music stations and so on ..
    [Note: We are actively looking for active people who are online always 24.7 and can increase the engagement on the website and control the bad people. ACTIVE and loyal users will be given a golden opportunity to be moderators with super hidden powers.]P

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  • The page got reloaded

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  • Hey amelia its me rajnish did you remember me im from nepal

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  • We meet a lot of people in our day to day life and some of them gained special place in our life ... But sometimes something feel bit odd , a sense of uneasiness.. that something is not right ... Then someone said it's called toxic..
    So, I wanna know ur opinion about the term Toxic in ur live
    (No one is going to judge u , so be honest.. maybe ur reply will help a lot of confused souls 😇)

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  • Hope u see this

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