I feel like I don't exist.

  • @vanteindo
    I’m really sorry that you feel that way about yourself because someone put that seed into your head and it grew. Sibling rivalry is ridiculous. There’s always one person that believes that they are better than the other one one. It’s like my brother he believes that I lie about certain things that happened to me because it involves his partner. So your twin is like my brother meaning that they are willing to live in such denial about who they really are just so that they can make someone else feel small. Don’t listen to what they say to you. You’re the only one that can better your life. The past doesn’t matter anymore. The future in the present are all that you have to look forward to so figure out if fighting about the pastors, how you wanna spend your time.

  • @No-one-knows-me ditto. thank you :)

  • @vanteindo you have to love yourself. Because you are the one what you will have in your life. i mean even your family wont be with you all time. you will have own way. invest in yourself

  • @Bagila yeah, you are right. I will try my best.

  • @vanteindo to vibe alone is your strength not weakness,most of today friend exist in your life when you have something to offer to them,the day you don't have anything most of them will leave you
    I can feel your thinking,we exist in our own world,just live your life happily either do improvement or do self realization that will be helpful for you friend❤️leave other social things as they are

  • @thought thank you <3

  • Comparing ourselves to others in this way is always stressful and usually causes bad feelings. I think the best we can do is to see our life as something unique and unrelated to what others (even our closest people) do or don't have. Sometimes people hurt us unintentionally but self confidence is the best way to forgive them and go on. We all matter in this life.

  • i get it , like i have an rly smart older brother and sometimes its like ur parents dont even care or acknowledge you. hes so outgoing and social and i wish i was like him but im not and ur not like ur sister. and honestly thats what make you you

  • @vanteindo I know how you feel, I may not have a twin but I know when you feel so mentally drained it's tiring. Hang in there, it gets better....at some point.

  • The devil loves making people feel that way. Resist him and he will flee from you. You do exist and the God of heaven created you for his purpose. You are fearfully and wonderfully made by the Most High God.