• I was recently asked why I choose to often use the :om: symbol as a closing to a music post. It's complicated, but to simplify: OM is a sacred sound. Divine. Likewise, Nam myoho renge kyo. The sounds the universe makes. And 432hz is the frequency of the universe. We resonate to certain words, and sounds. It's all connected. Stay safe, heal, feel, live and believe. :yin_yang:

  • @Lazz oooh flashback Lazz! When i was a teenager the best acid around were purple oms. Must've eaten dozens of 'em. We've been thinking about a little camping/beach excursion with mushrooms to break up the lockdown boredom a little, we have the location settled on, it's perfect. I can't wait for my brain cells to be going pop pop pop as they expand šŸ˜Š

  • @Scottish Ok. I'm not sure. Is that a good or a bad thing? :thinking:

    Maybe a bit of both

  • @Lazz always good my man šŸ˜

  • @Scottish Smooth sailing and high flying then :grin:
    Ride the vibe